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Lyceum 2021 | Together Towards Tomorrow

As early adopters of Leapfrog OpenGround Connector, Jacobs use OpenGround for all their site investigation data.

Guillermo will present three of the workflows they have designed and implemented for projects, highlighting examples from the team’s existing models. Attendees will discover techniques to use Leapfrog Works to visualise and understand all the data within the borehole. They will also learn about data cleaning techniques for working on projects with multiple phases of data, and powerful ways to use laboratory and field testing data to help classify strata.



Guillermo Mondejar
Geotechnical Engineer, Jacobs UK

Roger Chandler
Geotechnical Information Management Director, Bentley Systems


21 min

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Video transcript

(intense music)

<v ->Hi and welcome to our session today,</v>

where we’re going to look at the new Workflows enabled by

Leapfrog works and the OpenGround connection.

My name is Roger Chandler and I’m the director of

Geotechnical Information Management here at Bentley.

and I’m joined today by Guillermo from Jacobs.

Who’s been part of the Bentley and Seequent early adopter

program for this functionality.

Welcome to this session and thank you for joining me

to share these workflows with others.

<v ->Hi everyone. Thank you, Roger.</v>

Thank you Bentley and Seequent for inviting me

to today’s live stream it’s a great opportunity.

I’m really glad.

<v ->Well, we’ve had the pleasure</v>

of working on this presentation now

for a couple of weeks and we’ve

prerecorded the workflow so you can get

as much content as possible into the next 20 minutes.

Well, obviously you know your way around the

capabilities of Leapfrog Works.

So how long have you been using it,

and what sort of jobs are you currently using it on?

<v ->Yeah so Jacobs has been been using Leapfrog</v>

for a few years in Australia and now in the UK.

We are now really engaged with the Leapfrog and

the development of this technology,

which is making a great change in the industry.

And we are making the best of,

of the technology development Leapfrog to,

to develop our, our projects that we are

now using it in broadly many projects.

So we are really, really happy to have

this possibility of a being part of this technology.

<v ->Excellent.</v>

It’s always a pleasure to be working with Jacobs

on our early adopter programs.

You were early adopters for OpenGround when it

came out about three and a half years ago.

So always at the front of the pack.

Out of a number of users that I’ve been

working with are using connector purely

to import geology information from boreholes.

But I think the workflow’s you’re going to share today,

go far deeper than that.

Would you like to just quickly outline

the three workflows you’re going to talk about?

<v ->Yeah. So we’re going to present three, three workflows.</v>

I said, and the first workflow

is just briefly making the use of the

connection and how we can integrate

all the run investigation data stored

within our OpenGround database in a single model.

So whenever we need to import different data sources

or connect to different projects,

which is a very nice tool and very,

very clever way of integrating

different data sets into a single model.

The second workflow is going to be about

how to use Leapfrog to clean and reassess

the information we have in our OpenGround database

and making sure we can reinterpret the

correct geologies in this case or making use of

Leapfrog to really assess the ground condition in a glance.

And also I work around to reimport back all the

interpretation and how we have

cleaned our database data set.

We reimport it back into our open round database

And then the final one is going to

be about making use of the data

We have imported from open ground and,

and use it to, to really add the granularity

to our ground models or reinterpret

our ground models that are required in more detail.

Those are going to be the three workflows today,

so I guess you guys tune in and, and enjoy it.

<v ->Excellent.</v>

Now they are brilliant workflows

and the next 15 minutes are an introduction

to the true skill and expertise of the

Jacobs team. So let’s dive in.

<v ->So what I need to do for this exercise</v>

is then connect to our OpenGround database,

ask you to select the cloud you are connecting to.

Once the project list has been loaded,

select the one you want to load, and then you click next.

The following tables will guide you through

the information you want to load.

So whatever information you need to import

to build your model or have an assessment

on the ground investigation data,

whether it’s your geology going descriptions,

your coring information,

any Institute tests, you might have.

[It’s]very important aspect to select this the way

you want to import that data, either

as an interval, or as a point.

So once you select the ones you want to load,

you will have another loading window

in which the detailed information

you want to bring to your scene is going to pop up.

You will filter whatever information

you don’t need, or it might be

formatting in a way Leapfrog works.

So your bar holds up in loaded and you can quickly

select the information you want to bring,

click next and you go through the next of the stages.

For people who are more familiar

with leapfrog this is common sense.

Your geology, you can load whatever information

you have in your database with coring information,

it’s similar to select what’s your interval range.

What is your depth,

what is the top of your core recovery,

what is your total core recover, your solid core

recover, your quality designation.

That’s going to bring the coring information

for the standard penetration test.

We can import your numeric data or your N60,

or your lab testing, [You] can select

the right information from your testing.

Again, I go for the particle size distribution tests

and so on with the book that’s being loaded.

So once your boreholes have been loaded,

the investigation data has been loaded.

You can always import it in to your scene

to see it in three dimensions.

So that was a very good improvement.

So another workflow I would like to show you how

to connect to different projects from OpenGround

That’s always useful when your data

is not collected in a single project.

If you want to bring that information, into your scene,

rather than combining into your master project,

you can always bring that project into your model,

connecting to another project in OpenGround,

and bring another boreholes set or GI set to your model.

So again, the same pop-up window in which

we can assign information we’re going to bring.

And then the data we want to import mostly,

which is this CPT data, can import

the current resistance and the side friction.

We can be looking at that. I’m not going to import

the geology then I’m not interested.

I just want to look at the CPT result

the 3D scene in a very quick way.

My CPT is loaded. We can always relabel

the data set so that way, we have

loaded two projects into the scene.

And as we have two data sets loading to Leapfrog,

we can use that information to perfectly see

the information we might be interested in showing,

for example, bringing graphics to the scene.

So we’re looking into RQDs or the core resistance.

We can look at the graphics very quickly

and the same with a CPTs.

So, another very interesting feature,

having the ability to connect to OpenGround

it is the the way we can reload the information

and refresh the information as,

database progresses, or if another change

in the database has happened either by

collecting new data or amending information.

So this was a very nice example doing that,

we are going to change just one coordinate

in one of our, one of our project boreholes

so we can move it.

Assuming as an example, this position was relocated,

but we have received the correct coordinates

in which then the whole model will

reprocess this information and

the project is up to date against the database,

which is where you want to store your,

your information very much up to date and

keep that information in OpenGround,

rather than working only in Leapfrog.

Maybe we load the entire project or

the entire information we have loaded.

And once you click on reload data,

that information will reload and

the whole model will reprocess against

the up-to-date database.

Okay, so one good technique

we can develop to make use of the,

of the tool is to load your information

in 3D, as we have already done,

but then, have a look at if we

are happy with the description,

and the information we have received.

I’m going to just demonstrate how to

load your geological information.

And we can always compare this information against

what we would expect as in term of geologies.

We can see here, we have a, an alluvial valley,

on the east side of the scene in which

we would expect alluvium and river terrace deposits

on the side of the, of the project.

However, we have received lots

of information from our contractor,

nothing, all these different alluvial deposits

likely on the wrong, having labeled them incorrectly.

For that reason for our purpose,

we can generate a new column that will make our

interpretation for that we’re going to

select the east interval selection

once we select the new column tool,

which will bring the column we want to correct.

I’m here, we’re going to to try to reclassify this,

all these alluvials, alluvium deposits,

a description to the right geological unit.

So we won’t believe all these alluvium,

on this hilly area belong or are really alluvium.

So we’re going to bring and amend

this description to the right geology.

So now we have legally correct information

from the alluvium deposits and the same we can use

for this had deposits in which we are not sure

but we can be sure that this information is incorrect.

We going to make a correction on this.

We have now created a new column in,

our dataset that would have geology code interpretation.

Having created this interpretation column.

We can then report this as, as it is

interpreted into our database, but

for that we are going to export these descriptions

to generate a new file that we can then

reimport back into OpenGround.

OpenGround will need to read the

information in the same way as it specs.

We are going to, import what we have amended

in our Leapfrog projects so we can update

our database with the correct information

and the right geology as we have proven.

Once we have generated a basic model,

we might want to add some more

granularity or more detail to our model.

That case we have modeled a very simple model

of superficial and bedrock units.

So for that we have merged some of the geology

descriptions and combining them

into superficiales and bedrock.

However, we need to interpret the

weathering profile or whats the,

the competent bedrock expected depth

and for the design of a particular asset.

So, we are looking into a cutting here.

So we want to just do the interpretation

of our borehole information and

use that from the information

we have loaded from OpenGround.

So we, bring the coring information

as we have done earlier.

We can clearly start to see a pattern in

our geology or our other recovery in our bedrock unit.

And in this case is this green, volume.

So if we wanted to use the information

as contained in OpenGround and

regarding the coring information,

we can reinterpret this coring recovery

and the RQD information to provide

a differentiation between the different,

bedrocks of units we might want to classify.

So for that, we can generate a new column

on the coring information data,

that will bring us a chance to reclassify

that not only as a unit, as a unique unit,

but as to differentiate the different subunits.

For that we’re going to use the same interval

selection option we were using for the cleanup

of the, of the data shown earlier.

And then we can reclassify the geology code based

on our interpretation of the coring information.

And again, interpret that geology as, we would like.

So, once we have all our data,

so that we can then change what we

want to use to reclassify that.

And for that, we the RQDs we were showing earlier,

and we’re going to use this tool to pick up

the different subunits in the rock unit.

We’re going to be selecting different coverings.

This going to be pretty crude for you but,

you can go as detailed as you want.


So now that our boreholes in our remodel area,

have been reclassified, we can reassign this

to the geology or the subunit we want to create.

So we can now create a new lithology,

that will classify the covering details

we have selected as a new subunit.

Now that we have one subunit, we can save this,

we can have a clear boundary between

those two subunits, as you can see

between these pinks and the browns.

So from here, we can then remodel

the surface underneath the different layers.

So generate a new layer that will split this bedrock unit

into two subunits, and the ground modeling,

it will generate a new surface.

I have already done that and

we can show how this has been created.

So we can split our ground model

into two different subunits for the bedrock.

So we can be sure our rock unit is divided into

the different, subunits you want to classify.

<v ->Thank you very much for those great workflows.</v>

I have one final question for you before we finish today,

what is your favorite feature of

OpenGround Connector and Leapfrog works?

<v ->I think this connection brings the best of both worlds.</v>

We have been using open ground for many, many years,

and, and it’s the best way to keep our, our data,

our Geo data, and how we can manage our

ground investigation data in a very solid way.

And, and we want to keep doing it.

So it’s, it’s always a very good thing about it to,

to, really make a connection that is going to,

make all the changes, [to] update our ground model.

So whenever something, a new ground investigation,

new phase of ground investigation [has arrived]
we need to make a change in our database.

All those changes can then be reflected

into our Leapfrog model.

Whether it’s just for visibility,

or just if we have developed detailed ground models,

all those, changes will apply into our ground models

and then our, our ground models

can count with the latest information,

to store in our OpenGround data database.

So I think it’s, [an] exciting time now

that both are connected and, we’re going to be part

of the same company and the same workflow

with a seamless, seamless experience.

<v ->Very good.</v>

Well, I hope everybody has taken something

from the presentation today,

and have come away with at least one idea

on how to use your ground investigation data

from OpenGround to refine your Leapfrog model.

Thank you ever so much for your time today

and the time in the preparation of this presentation,

it’s been a true pleasure working with you

over the last few weeks.

<v ->Thank you, Roger.</v>

Thank you all for tuning in bye-bye.

(intense music)