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In the 2022.2 release of the Oasis montaj, several improvements have been made to the Airborne QC tools to enhance their consistency and flexibility. One of the most notable changes is the ability to select the flight to be QC’d regardless of the currently selected database. This means you have more control over which flights are being analyzed and can easily switch between them as needed.

Another improvement is the default settings of the QC plots, which are now in contrasting colors and do not overprint. This makes it easier to interpret the data and identify any issues that may need to be addressed. Additionally, you can customize the QC maps before plotting them, giving you even more control over the appearance and layout of the final result.

Plotting in contrasting colors

One of the most useful features of the tool in the 2022.2 release is the ability to test the altitude deviation against a drape altitude and the terrain clearance. This allows you to ensure that your survey data meets the necessary specifications and to identify any areas where the altitude deviation may be excessive.

Airborne QC 2022.2

Test the altitude deviation against a drape altitude and the terrain clearance.

Finally, the QC flag legend has been nicely formatted and now reports the degree to which the survey specifications are exceeded. This makes it easy to see at a glance which parts of the survey data fall within the acceptable range and which may require further attention.


Airborne QC legend with specification exceedances

Overall, the improvements to the Airborne QC tools in the 2022.2 release make it even easier to analyze and validate your survey data, ensuring that it meets the necessary standards and is of the highest quality.

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