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Discover Seequent Central

Central enables you not only to track, manage, and version control your geoscientific data but provides a virtual environment in which your team members and other project stakeholders can effectively visualise and review models, exchange ideas, and define the next steps in near real-time.



Janina Elliot
Global Central Technical Lead – Seequent


50 min

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Video Transcript

<v Janina>Hello, and welcome to today’s video.</v>

My name is Janina Elliott

and I’m the global Central technical lead for Seequent.

And I’m presenting this video to you today

from my home office.

And chances are, you’re probably also listening

to this recording from another location than your usual.

This is something we’re currently all faced with.

How can we work productively and effectively

from a remote environment and in the money industry,

this is actually quite common,

just bit more amplified these days.

So how can Central assist you,

will help your teams in working remotely?

This is what we will discuss today.

At Seequent, it is our mantra and our mission

to enable our clients to make better decisions

about the earth, environment and energy challenges,

but in order to do so,

we need to be able to understand

what that decision-making process actually looks like

and what it entails.

At the foundation of a decision-making process,

lies the acquisition of data,

and in highly complex mining projects,

that data comes from all sorts of different places,

be it geo-physical information, geo-chemical information,

GIS data, engineering data, et cetera, et cetera.

And all of this information

and that knowledge that we’ve gathered around our sites

needs to be represented in a digital format.

That digital information can then be further utilized

through software in order to create a subsequent analysis

and interpretation that happens ideally

in a collaborative environment.

And based on those results,

we can finally form a robust decision.

Now, in an ideal case scenario,

throughout this decision-making process,

throughout the acquisition of data,

the analytical steps, all the way to the decisions,

we want to make sure that we consistently work

in a collaborative environment.

So we can truly take advantage of each other’s skillsets,

each other’s experience and knowledge

that we gathered over time,

to come together at the final interpretation

and the right decision for our team

in order to move forward.

That is the most important aspect.

And this is what makes it hard to work remotely,

to be truly effective as a team.

In addition to that, of course,

the data that everyone involved in team

needs to actively work with,

needs to be consistently accessible

and accessible at the right time,

when you need the information.

And of course, later on,

in order to support our decision-making process

and to support our due diligence aspect of our work,

the information that we gathered,

the analysis and the final decision

needs to be consistently auditable as well.

When working remotely, whether it is in a mine site,

whether it is in your home office,

wherever you are really on the globe,

the most important aspect is that you have access

to your team members and of course,

all of the data that you need on a daily basis

in order to do your work.

So the data truly needs to be organized

and it needs to be stored in a way

that can be easily managed, found, and integrated.

And of course, you also need to have access

to your team members and their knowledge

and the experience that’s situated with them specifically.

In most cases, however,

we see that our industry truly suffers from a complete chaos

when it comes to data and the location of information.

And so it is really difficult

to truly access the information that you need at the time

in order to create your analysis,

create your interpretation, your model,

and collectively reach a decision together

based on all of the information in place.

That is a really hard thing to do.

So the first thing that needs to be organized

is a structured way and how the data is accessible

to all of your team members, no matter their location.

The most important aspect is to ensure

from the very beginning

that each individual team member

has the ability to work from one version of the truth,

and also has the ability to instantly access this truth,

this information at any given time,

at the time when they need it

in order to progress their modeling aspect,

their work, et cetera.

In addition to that,

each individual team member needs to have full visibility

to what the current modern process,

the current work process of the other team member looks like

so that they can coordinate their efforts

and truly collaboratively arrive at a decision

together faster.

But of course, it is not only the technical realm

of an organization that requires instant access to the data

and needs to have visibility and the ability to collaborate.

It goes beyond that.

It involves your entire community in your organization,

from the technical space,

all the way to the non-technical space.

Only if information can freely flow

all the way to the C level

and even to organizations beyond your company

that have a stake in your organization

that have influence on how your make your decisions,

that information needs to be freely available

at any given time.

And it needs to be also visible,

how individual components of your company

collaborate with each other

Only if this is a given,

then you have your opportunity to truly gain a return

on your investment.

For that reason, we have created Central

to give your organization opportunity

to work more efficiently, more productively,

and ultimately gain a competitive advantage.

Now, what exactly is Central?

Central is a cloud hosted system

that allows you to manage your models

and your scientific data in a single environment.

Within this environment, you have an opportunity

to version track all of your information

and consistently visualize this information over time

and actively communicate on it.

So you also have the chance

to collaboratively access the data,

visualize it, review it, and make decisions together,

and then preserve this information,

this decision-making process, and all of the intelligence

around your individual modeling steps within the system.

And based on that consistent history

that you’ve build over time,

you build yourself a full audit trail.

So you have an opportunity to go back in time

and truly understand why certain decisions

were made overtime.

Central also, because of the way it visualizes information

brings all sorts of different teams together.

And it doesn’t matter where they are located in the world,

whether they’re onsite, offsite, in their home offices.

And it also brings people together that traditionally,

maybe a little bit more siloed in their way that they work,

that concerns the geoscientists on the ground,

the engineers in the production space,

the resource geologists and of course,

let’s not forget the non-technical space,

the decision-makers, and even the third parties,

the investors, the consultants,

everyone that has a stake in a specific project

or the company overall has an opportunity here

to truly collaborate with each other

on the interface that is Central.

Of course, with collaborations

in the forefront of our minds,

Seequent recognizes that different professionals

use a number of different software packages.

And for that reason,

we equipped Central with a data room

that can store any kind of file type.

So if you have models or meshes

coming from other software packages,

you can store and version track them there

if you want to introduce designs, GIS objects,

resource reports, whatever you have

that is project specific,

you can organize this information within our data room,

in the Central portal, access it there,

version control all of your different files.

And if your file represent a mesh

that our Leapfrog products can actively recognize,

then you can also consume the mesh directly

within the Leapfrog models

and actively stay on top of the latest version

of meshes that might’ve been introduced

from another software package.

Of course, when it comes to working from a remote location,

whether it is on site or your home office,

bandwidth is a big topic.

And in this environment,

it’s not often possible to really download large projects

every single time.

Within Central, you have an opportunity to visualize

and review each other’s models,

actively comment on them within a browser environment,

our desktop application

that allows you to have instant access

to each of the models that have been published

into the system overtime.

So no need for downloading large projects

every time you wish to have a look

at what your colleagues have done.

In addition to that,

you have an opportunity through the Central technology

to only upload or download the incremental changes

from one version to the next.

What that means is that every time

that you have a new addition to your project,

instead of having to upload the entire project

into a server environment

for somebody else to access and review,

you only send the changes in small packages,

and that allows you not only to deal

with a lower bandwidth environment,

but it also saves you a lot of time in digital space,

especially since this technology also works in a reverse.

So when you download a project from somebody else

and you already have it on your computer sitting there,

Central will recognize the differential,

the delta between the two

and only download the appropriate changes.

So it will only add a few megabytes to your hard disk

and not fill it up with large projects every single time.

Now, how does this actually work?

Central has three different gateways

through which you can access your data

and visualize the information

that’s placed into the cloud hosted environment.

One of their first gateways is the Leapfrog modeling suite,

Leapfrog Geo, for example,

where you can actively download and upload

or publish your models into the cloud hosted space.

It is also the place where you can actively pull

other people’s meshes or wire frames

in order to integrate them directly

into your Leapfrog model.

That’s a very important aspect of the workflow

that Central can establish.

And I’ll have a closer look at that later on

during our demonstration.

Another gateway is the Central browser

and is arguably the most important component of Central

because this is your communication platform.

This is where you have an opportunity

to open up your modeling world, your project world,

first thing in the morning,

and realize what everyone’s been up to.

It’s basically like opening up a newspaper, for example,

specific to your project.

Within here, you have an opportunity

to visualize your models, visualize your colleague’s models,

actively annotate them in 3D space

and also actively export information

that may be newly added for example, by your colleagues.

You can also compare versions

and truly discuss with each other what the next steps are

in your decision-making process.

This is the Central browser,

and we’ll have a close look at that in just a few minutes.

The last access point or gateway is the Central portal.

The Central portal has two particular purposes.

One of them is for the license administrator

to hand out the appropriate licenses, of course,

to the team members, as well as to set permissions

to each individual project.

It is important of course,

that everyone only gets to see what they’re supposed to see,

that your data is secure,

particularly when working with third parties, for example.

This is where you can set this up.

The Central portal is of that browsing environment.

So it’s easily accessible to everyone,

even if they’re not directly related to your company,

if you give them the permission to do so.

It is also the place where we have a project specific

data room environment, which I mentioned earlier.

Again, you can save here any kind of file information

that can come from any kind of software package.

And this data room allows you to actively connect of course,

to the Leapfrog Geo environment, as well,

as mentioned earlier.

So in the next little while,

we’re going to have a look

at all of those different components

that make up Central in itself,

how to navigate them,

and we’ll see just exactly how the data flows

from one component to the next

and how we can actively collaborate

on every single step that we take

in our modeling journey through Central.

So let’s get started by looking at the Central browser.

The Central browser, as mentioned earlier,

is a desktop application

and also your communication platform

amongst your team members.

When you open the Central browser,

you’ll sign in through your Seequent ID,

and that will automatically populate

the left-hand panel here

with the servers that you’ve been given permission to.

When clicking on one of these service here,

and when you’re connected,

you automatically get a number of Central projects

in this view.

The Central project or tiles are separated

or grouped by location.

And each of them represents a place holder

for your project history.

When I take on one of my Central projects,

I’m automatically placed into my history tab

and in the history tab,

we have here a graphical representation

of how my project has evolved over time.

Each individual note that you see on this version tree

is representative of a model version

that’s been uploaded consecutively.

Each node is equipped

with a number of different commentaries,

metadata, et cetera,

in order to make it really easy to navigate to history

even if you want to understand a year down the road,

just exactly why a certain modeling decision has been made.

In addition to that,

each of these nodes or versions can also be equipped

with a stage label.

The stage labels are completely customizable

and will allow you to add your very own peer review process

to your organize version history.

You will notice on our project tree or our version tree

that there are individual branches coming off.

And what do they actually represent?

Most of us tend to have a master project approach

where one version of the master project follows another,

but that might not necessarily be the best way

of separating the workload amongst individuals.

One of the ways you can utilize Central

is by splitting out your main project into parts,

and these parts could represent, for example,

a separate location.

So one branch here could focus in a specific location

of your project.

It could represent a different skillset,

or if you want to give a specific aspect of your work

to a skilled professional in your team,

such as a geochemist or a geophysicist

or a structural geologist,

or this branches could also be utilized

as a separate workspace to follow up on experiments

or a hypothesis.

You can create an individual space that’s not loaded with

or burdened with all of the data

that is in a master project,

but that can be stripped down to a much smaller project,

a much lighter-weight project that can be run much faster

and then be pushed through a peer review process

much more quickly.

At the end, when everyone has peer reviewed a project

and they’re happy with the results,

there are various opportunities within Central

that will allow you to introduce the information

that everyone agreed upon to bring them back

into the master environment.

When I click on a specific node,

such as this particular version here,

you’ll also notice that on the right side here,

more and more detail about this particular version

is displayed.

So for example, some of the main objects

that have been introduced into this view

on this particular version can be highlighted.

And so by just clicking on these different objects,

I get already a little bit of an idea

of what this is all about.

That includes also the block modeling environment,

and then on the very right side here,

you will see a summary page for all of the annotations

and comments that have been created

for this particular model of a version overtime.

The nice thing about this particular panel

is that you can fill it with any kind of commentary

and a beautiful thing in anything Leapfrog

on anything Central is that our conversation happens

in the 3D space.

So each individual comment that you may place here

is automatically equipped with a thumbnail

that is hinged in a 3D environment.

So for example,

if I click on one of these thumbnails here,

I’m automatically placed in my scene view.

In the Central panel,

I’m now presented with exactly the objects

relating to the comment that I clicked on earlier.

And now on the right side here, in this annotation panel,

I can go ahead and either actively reply to a comment

and create a thread within here,

or I can create my own comment or annotation

by clicking on the add button

and also placing my own geo-tech

in order to hinge this conversation at exactly the XYZ space

that I need to talk about.

So no need anymore to write epic emails describing,

“Okay, now navigate between those two drillholes,

“350 meters to the Northwest,

“and do you see this little geological feature?”

That can be forgone.

So it’s a very handy tool to have at hand.

In addition to the comments that you can place here,

you can also place an attachment at the appropriate time.

So if I click here,

you can place any kind of file that you wish to introduce

in order to support the conversation with your colleagues.

You can also place a URL here,

if you’d like to point to a specific location

on another server, for example, or a website.

Of course, when it comes to the placement of various files,

there are a number of different places

where you can preserve information,

the data room being another one,

which I’m going to highlight a little later on.

Another comment on the annotations panel.

So you can see here, it’s been used in this scenario here,

basically as a chatbox.

However, this can be used in very creative ways.

For example, we see various clients now utilizing this

as a reporting feature.

So for example,

if you need to have weekly reports being summarized,

if you want to go paperless,

this is a fantastic place to do it.

Now, if you require to review your model

and individual objects associated with it,

all you have to do is to go to the left side here

and on this panel,

which is very similar to the project tree in Leapfrog Geo,

you can highlight the individual objects

you need to have a look at.

So for example, by just clicking on the eyeball icon here.

You also then have a couple of other objects here

that allow you to visualize the different features

in various ways,

whatever makes it easiest for you to review your project.

In addition to that, on the left side here,

you can also actively export information.

So without having to ask your colleague

to send you a specific information

or to download the project in its entirety,

you can go ahead and you can pull polylines to your turfs

meshes of any form,

where they’re surfaces or output volumes

and block models directly from the browser environment.

And it’s fairly straight forward to do,

all you need to do is right click, export, and here you go.

And now you can go ahead and batch export

this specific files that you’re interested in,

in any kind of format that you’re interested in

potentially as well.

This is of course, particularly handy

if you are a third party, for example,

or consultant or somebody in the project

that uses a different software package

in order to assist with the modeling of the project.

So you can go ahead and pull just exactly what you need

at the time when you need it,

without having to ask your colleagues

for the specific detail of information.

So that already really increases the efficiency

and how people can interact with each other,

even when located remotely.

Again, with the aspect of collaboration in mind,

one of the things that we quite frequently do as a team

is to actively compare

how our model has progressed overtime.

And this is also something

that we tend to present to others,

other stakeholders in the project,

other decision-makers often on a higher level,

they need to know how far your project has come,

what decisions you’ve made and what the next steps are.

And for that,

we have a number of different objects here in place

that will allow you to visualize progress overtime.

So for example, on the bottom here,

you will have noticed there are a number of different dates

on this panel,

and they will allow you to jump basically,

to the future version here of this model.

So you can jump back and forth between these different dates

and automatically, all the objects

that you had previously selected

will then be shown in the new version.

The nice thing here is, again,

these particular objects that you’re seeing on the screen

are not the full model itself.

There are tiny little file sizes

that are just currently being cashed on your computer.

So it’s not affecting you very strongly

in terms of your bandwidth

and the way that you interact with the data.

So again, if you’re on a remote location

and you struggle with bandwidth connectivity,

this is not a concern, they’re tiny little files.

In addition to that,

I’d also like to highlight that we have

another compare function available,

and that sits at the very top here.

The compare button, if I click on it here,

opens up a new tab.

And in this tab,

I can go ahead and I can pull two different revisions

of the same model into the same view.

So for example, here,

I can juxtapose another revision,

an earlier one here, for example,

and place the objects relating to this

directly against the others coming from the later revision.

So just to highlight this a little bit more,

I can then go ahead and I can enhance the differences

between the two objects that have been loaded.

So for example, here on the drillholes side,

I can go ahead and increase, let’s say the radius

of all of the different drillholes

that have been introduced at a later stage.

And when it comes to the objects,

the meshes here themselves,

I can highlight here with using this little triangle button,

just exactly what that previous mesh would have looked like

relative to the later interpretation in this case

of this particular dike.

Of course, you need to go ahead

and then actively talk about those particular changes

that have occurred in those subsequent revisions.

And for that, we also have an annotation panel

available here in the compare tab.

So you can go ahead and comment around this.

And again, our clients have been incredibly creative

in this space and it can be used

in a number of different ways.

I mentioned earlier the reporting idea

for the annotations panel.

So something that we see with various companies

at the moment is that for example,

new quick log information is being introduced here

relative to an older model, an older model version

or the current model version and the current section

relating to the model itself as well.

So you can see how the individual drillholes

progress overtime,

how they develop and what the caller can see,

and how that would instantly affect

the way that you interpret your model.

And you can discuss it right here.

So to summarize,

I’m just going to go back to the scene view here.

The Central browser is indeed your communication platform.

It is the place where you want to enter in the morning

to see what has happened in your project world

and where you can actively communicate with your colleagues

to see what are the next step

in your decision-making process.

Of course, it’s also the place

where you can build a true audit trail overtime,

because just version tracking your individual models,

that’s a great thing to do,

but keeping the intelligence

around each individual modeling step,

not having to reinvent the wheel an year down the road

and building a good due diligence track, that is key.

And that is what the Central browser can do for you.

So let’s have a look at the Central portal next,

and a nice thing here is that I can automatically link

from my Central browser to my portal,

by clicking this little button.

By clicking here, I’m automatically opening up

one of my web browsers

’cause the Central portal is hosted on a website.

Just as a reminder,

the Central portal has a twofold application.

For one, it is the place for the administrator office system

to hand out a specific user licenses

and invite the users through their Seequent ID

to participate in the community that is Central.

In addition to that,

the administrator has an opportunity here

to provide the individual with access

to the various projects and in each individual project,

he or she also defines if the user has the ability

to just view the project and potentially just export

a couple of features from the Central browser.

So this could be basically any stakeholder in a project

that may not necessarily be a modeler

or maybe a third party

that is also interested in the project.

And the other aspects,

that’s all the other permission rights

that an admin can handout are the level of editor and owner.

When an editor or an owner,

then the user of the system has the capability

of actively connecting to the Central system

through Leapfrog Geo and introducing new revisions

of the model into the system.

The second function that the portal fulfills

is to allow every project stakeholder

to access their project and find information

specific to it’s project.

So if I navigate now to the project

that we looked at earlier on in the browser right here,

what I’m first presented with is a dashboard environment

that shows me just exactly what is currently happening

in my project world.

What are the various revisions,

the history of it, et cetera.

In addition to that,

the project here is outfitted with a files tab,

and that files tab refers to the data room

that I mentioned earlier.

So if I click here on files,

I can see I have here a folder structure

that’s probably quite similar to what you’re used to

from SharePoint, Dropbox, et cetera,

all of those are various types of data rooms

that are out there.

Now, the nice thing about the Central data room

is that you can structure it in any way you like.

So for example, here,

I can create my own folder structure overtime.

And if I click here on my various folders

and individual files,

you will also notice the panel on the right side.

This panel here shows me that there are various versions

of this particular pit mesh available to me.

So within the data room environment,

I can actively version track on a temporal basis here.

So for example,

if I have a new file available that supersedes the other,

all I have to do is to upload a new version,

and then it doesn’t even matter

if it’s named the same thing or not,

it will then be placed on top of the other.

That doesn’t mean that the old file

is not available to you anymore.

You can go ahead and download any file

that you’ve ever preserved in this environment

at any given time.

However, the newer version will always sit on top.

In addition to that, if you are preserving mesh information,

wire frame information that has been produced,

either any prompt to you or various other software products

within the data room,

you have an opportunity here to link these meshes

directly back into your Leapfrog Geo model.

So there’s a complete flow of information

from the data room environment to Leapfrog Geo,

at the moment and form of meshes and wire frames.

So for example, if a colleague who works in another product,

let’s say a resource geologists, for example,

which using data mine, micromine, Vulcan,

whatever you may have it,

they can preserve their specific file types within here.

And then there can be automatically pulled

into your own geo project without any problems.

And so if your colleague then goes ahead

and has a new version available,

they can version track it within the data room environment

and you will be automatically informed of that update.

And that’s what I am going to show you next.

Now, here’s our third gateway

into the Central server environment,

and that’s the Leapfrog modeling suite.

In this case, Leapfrog Geo.

And again, here I signed in with my Seequent ID,

completely dongless and easy to do.

And that automatically then connected me

to the servers that I have access to.

Now then, you can click on the server that you require,

click on it here, and once connected,

all of the different Central projects

that you’ve been given permission to

and you’re actively working on will pop up right here.

Now, I’m just going to jump here into my Wolf Pass project,

and it’s a stripped down version of what we saw earlier on,

but it’s the same idea.

Now, what we see here is the same project history

that has come through the Central link.

And if I click on any of these here,

you’ll also notice on the right side here,

that not just the actual project is now available

to me for download,

but I can also visualize all of the annotations

and the commentary around it.

And the beautiful thing is that each of these

is equipped with the thumbnail that I mentioned earlier.

So if I click on that,

I’ll be then automatically placed

into the correct scene view

so I can work on exactly that XYZ location

that my colleague might have highlighted for me

in order to keep working on that particular part.

What you will see here is on this version tree

that we have a master environment

and highlighted is here in the master branch.

We’ve got a lithology branch

and we’ve got a resource branch.

And the important aspect about Central

is that it will allow you to link

different Leapfrog Geo projects

with each other through meshes.

So what that means is that if I have a colleague

working on one particular aspect of the project,

whether it may be a structure,

it could be a lithological domain, et cetera,

I can go ahead and leverage off that work

and utilize their surfaces, their output volumes,

any kind of mesh that they’ve created

and actively link it into my own model.

Now, based on that idea, I’d like to show you here,

my master project that actually pulls

quite a bit of information from the lithology branch

and the resource branch as well,

to be a full representation

of what my colleagues have created

yet not actually having to reproduce in full

in the master environment.

So how does that work?

Well, first of all, I’ve downloaded here the master project,

just by right clicking, download

and enabled myself to have a offline copy

directly available on my computer.

So to anyone that’s suffering

from low bandwidth environment, again,

once you’ve downloaded your project,

it will then be stored on your computer.

You can actively work in an offline environment,

and then once you’re ready to publish it back

into the Central cloud hosted system,

then you need it to be connected (indistinct)

no problem, you can completely work offline.

In addition to that,

I should also mention,

if the project is already once available

in the server environment and in Central,

you’ve published it before,

then all that you have to do and publish again,

the next time around is just a differential,

that delta between the previous version and the next.

So again, really speaking to environments

that suffer from a low bandwidth,

but let’s go back to the object integration idea.

So I’m opening up here my master environment,

and I already clicked on this earlier on.

So you see I’m here in editing mode,

which brought this project up in my scene view.

Now, in my scene view, you see here,

I’ve got a lithology model at hand

and this lithology model is completely sourced

by my colleagues model.

So that comes from here,

from the top of my lithology branch.

And how does this now work?

How was I able to pull all of those output volumes

into my model here?

So the way to do it is to utilize the meshes folder.

If you right click on the meshes folder here,

you have the option to import a mesh from Central.

Once clicked, I can then access

all of the different Central projects

that I’ve been given permission to.

So for example, if I click here now

on the Wolf Pass project, again,

I have two options.

First, I can navigate

all the way through my project history

that includes my adjacent branches

and all of the related models here

and all of the different services

associated with this model, including typography meshes,

boundary meshes, any kind of clipped or bullion mesh,

any kind of surface or volume

that you would have created overtime.

All of this is available to you.

As a second option,

you can also click on the files tab, which again,

refers to the data room environment in Central.

So if you have in one of your folders, a mesh store

that may come from another software package, for example,

and these are all the currently supported formats

right here.

Then you can also pull that mesh directly

into your ongoing model.

Now for this particular project,

I’ve already prepared a few.

So what I’ve done here is I’ve gone to my project history

to my lithology branch here, to the very top.

And I’ve pulled my output volumes from my geological model,

all of these guys.

Now, once they arrive,

I can put them in nice sub folders

and get nicely organized as you’re used to.

And all of those meshes come in

with these little blue symbols.

Now, as soon as we’ve established this link,

this link will be continuously remembered.

And so every time that a change occurs

in the Central system,

if my colleague introduces a new version

of a particular mesh or a particular wire frame, et cetera,

then my project gets automatically notified by this.

And this is what this clock symbol here symbolizes,

a new version of this particular mesh is available to me.

So I’m consistently connected to all the ongoing effort

in my colleagues modeling world.

And now once all of my meshes here

are located in this folder,

I can then go ahead and link them

to my ongoing interpretation in my own model environment.

So for example, here in my lithology model,

what I’ve done is I filled all of my surfaces up,

like my colleagues did,

and all I did here,

instead of linking to an existing database,

I linked to an output volume and this output volume here

represents the relative surface.

And as you can see here,

my output volumes are a little bit out of date at the moment

symbolized by this clock symbol.

So in order for me to now refresh my model that you see here

and give it the latest view, the latest interpretation

that my colleague has come up with,

all I have to do is to go to the source

by clicking on the hyperlink here, for example,

right click on the mesh

and reload from the latest on the branch,

or even choose a specific mesh

from the existing project history.

And now, this has a whole number of opportunities at hand.

So for example, if my colleague were to work

on an existing regional, false structure, for example,

I can go ahead and I can link their mesh

directly into my model.

And then of course,

every time that he or she updates the model,

that that new information will automatically cascade

into my own model, for example,

the fault systems folder and update my model.

And of course, you can be very creative in this space.

For example, for our recess geologists,

if you’re interested in using Edge or already using Edge,

you can create a new demand estimator, for example,

in the same fashion and linking

your original lithological domain

to one of the meshes that have been pulled through Central.

So if your colleague works on the geological interpretation

of an area and you require that lithological domain

in order to forward your resource work,

all you have to do is to link your estimation model

in Edge and Geo directly

to that particular lithological domain.

And then every single time that your colleague

will make an update,

you can automatically have this updated information

flow into your estimation.

And this is really quite a unique thing

because the usual way that we interact with our geologist,

if you are a resource modeler,

is that we’re handed lithological domains,

maybe every three months, six months, maybe even annually.

And that makes it really hard to stay on top

of the current geological modeling process.

With this, you have an opportunity

to be part of that geological modeling process

and really participate in the conversation around it.

So for example,

if you find specific trends in the data

that support maybe a slightly different interpretation

of the geological orientation of a body,

you can go ahead and tell that and actually influence

how the model is progressed all the time.

So you can see,

there’s a whole number of different workflows

that can arise from the use of the Central system

and the opportunity to leverage off each other’s work.

So the last thing I want to highlight here

is how do we actually bring the information

back into the Central system?

So by clicking here onto our project tab,

we have an opportunity then to publish the information

back to the server environment

or to a cloud hosted environment.

Initially here,

you can highlight just exactly the objects

that you wish to actively talk about.

And that is what is being presented

in the browser environment.

Just to briefly show you

and we navigate to the browser itself,

the objects that you see here on the left side,

these are the objects that are instantly presented

when you tick on these various boxes.

So for example,

if you wish to just actively communicate with somebody

and just show them a few different aspects

about your modeling workflow,

your ideas that you want to share,

and maybe get peer reviewed,

all you have to do is then tick on the various objects

and in the Central browser environment,

that is what’s going to be shown.

At that particular point,

you don’t necessarily have to add

an entire Geo project to your upload.

And that is the next thing that’s going to be asked of you.

So would you like to attach to the entire Geo project?

Not every step of your conversation with somebody else

will necessarily need that, okay?

So this is for backup.

This is about sharing models,

but if your conversation requires

only to show somebody visually

a couple of objects from your model,

then you can go ahead and say,

“No, I don’t need to share my Geo project right now.”

And when thinking about working

from a home office environment or from a location

where you have relatively smaller bandwidth,

maybe not necessarily every single upload

requires to have a full Geo project attached to it.

Having said that, I mentioned earlier,

there are a number of different ways

and how Geo projects can be uploaded

in a really minimal file size.

So if you already have a previous version

of your Geo project in place,

and the changes are not dramatic,

then you only upload a couple of megabytes,

then by all means, say yes every single time.

If you’re concerned about bandwidth

and you really just want to facilitate a conversation,

it’s okay to say no.

In case you do say yes,

there are two different ways of compression

that you can then choose.

And then you can go ahead and publish

on a specific branch environment.

So this is something that you will find overtime,

just exactly how your tree will look like,

how you want to divide up the work

amongst all of your different colleagues

in order to truly divide and conquer,

to bring down the sizes of your individual Geo projects

and collaboratively create a master environment,

for example.

In this particular case here,

we are more than happy to assist you

in any kind of workflow question that you might have.

And we also have a number of examples available to you

to help you define just exactly

what’s right for your organization.

This concludes the product demonstration

for the different components of Central.

But just to summarize a little bit, Central in itself,

focuses on collaboration and of course, virtual control.

It allows you to truly build a new culture of communication

amongst your team members,

particularly when remotely located in your home offices

or on site.

The Central browser in particular,

and the annotation panels within it, et cetera,

allow you to truly keep everyone actively connected

and create a true community despite people being elsewhere.

It gives you an idea of consistent updates

and always keeps you in the know when change occurs

and allows you to visualize just exactly

where the next steps are.

You can visualize information at any given time.

You can compare models, no matter what it is.

You can really track progress.

And because of that, you can make decisions together

and build a consistent on a trail

around these decisions as well.

Part of this new culture of communication

can also be how you consistently test ideas

and peer review your different modeling updates.

You can utilize the Central system

to differentiate different workspaces, for example,

that test different ideas.

And then now everyone in the team

to actively partake in the conversation

about the next steps.

That’s one way of how you can utilize the system,

and particularly the browser environment

due to its visualization components.

Another aspect where Central could help you

to work more efficiently in a collaborative environment

is by helping you restructure and organize

the way that you model.

So your active modeling workflows

can benefit from the ability

to separate different components of your work

and thus minimizing the Geo databases

relative to those individual portions of the model.

So for example, you can go ahead and separate out a model

based on location, and then bring it all back

into a master environment,

similarly to what we discussed earlier,

but it can also be used in other ways.

So for example,

separating out the work based on professional skillset

a branch specific force structure,

a branch specific for resource development,

there’s a branch specific for geo chemistry, geo physics,

whatever you have it,

you have an opportunity here to really have everyone

that has a specific skillset

work in a separate yet completely transparent workspace

that can be peer reviewed

so they can work faster,

build the interpretations more quickly

and really bring in the information from other bright minds

in the organization to come to that next conclusion,

that next step in the interpretation,

and then bring it all back in a master environment.

And of course, the last piece that Central allows you to do

is truly, to cross collaborate

by being able to leverage of somebody else’s work

and introduce that through a live link

into your own project.

We’ve given the example of the dynamic linking earlier

through the resource project,

where you have a lithological domain

that’s created by a colleague

that then can be actively hyperlinked

into your very own resource model in Edge

and the Leapfrog Geo.

And there are lots of different ways

and how you can link information that’s being created

either within the Leapfrog Geo environment

or even in software packages outside,

so through the data room, it can be pulled straight back

into your active modeling progress.

And that’s extremely powerful.

Being able to work, intercut workflows,

where you do not have to reinvent the wheel

and just pull the information directly when you need it.

At Seequent, we always think about what’s the next step?

What can we do to make our products better,

to support our customers, to make your life easier,

to make your workflow simpler

and to make your work more productive and efficient.

When it comes to Central,

the big key is always communication and collaboration.

And along those lines, we thought,

okay, we need to bring in a notification system

that allows you to be even more in the know

when change occurs

so that you can be at the rapped

of any current decision that needs to be made

within your company.

And so I’d like to give you a quick sneak peek

of what’s coming up in April/May.

And here we are,

we are back in the Central portal environment.

And what you will notice here that’s different,

is this little bell symbol.

And so whenever you have a notification

or commentary that you have subscribed to,

you will have a little bell symbol pop up here in blue.

With clicking on that,

you will also notice that I have now

an option to set preferences, and that’s really important.

We wanted to make sure that you create something

that doesn’t end up with you receiving

more and more emails on top of everything else

that you’re already receiving right now,

particularly considering that lots of different people

are not in your immediate environment

and probably will try to reach out to you via email.

So what you can do here is to subscribe

to your individual projects

that you have a personal stake in,

and then you can go ahead and decide

how or what type of information you’d like to receive

either project specific notification,

revisions and branches, collaborative information,

such as annotations and mentions

in the browser, for example,

and how the user access changes overtime.

Then you can decide if each of these notifications

should be sent to you either via an in Central app

or a Leapfrog Geo app.

And that’s here, the little clock symbol or bell symbol,

or via an email.

So it’s entirely customizable,

how you’d like to subscribe to these modifications,

how you’d like to be part of the conversation.

And that concludes the presentation.

So if you’re curious about Central

and interested in a free trial,

please reach out to your personal account manager.

Or if you don’t have one yet,

your local representatives in your regional offices.

For any other queries or questions,

please don’t hesitate to contact us and visit our website,


So thank you very much for joining us today

and we hope to see you next time again at Seequent.

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