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This video walks through the dynamic link between Leapfrog Geo and ioGAS and how you can use robust workflows to make the most of your geochemistry and lithology data.

This video covers:

  • Sending Leapfrog Geo interval and point data to ioGAS
  • Analysing data and assigning attributes in ioGAS
  • Advanced Geochemistry Workflows
  • Visualising geochemical data in Leapfrog Geo’s 3D scene over the live link
  • Importing ioGAS data into Leapfrog Geo as points or intervals
  • Building geological models and interpolants from geochemical data



Putra Sadikin
Senior Software Analyst – Imdex Limited

Allan Ignacio
Senior Project Geologist – Seequent


1 hr 6 min

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Video Transcript

[00:00:00.065](gentle music)

[00:00:06.440]<v Allan>I am Allan Ignacio senior project geologist here</v>

[00:00:09.140]at Seequent based in Perth,

[00:00:11.270]and I’ve over 25 years experience

[00:00:13.470]with the exploration and resource evaluation.

[00:00:16.640]My co-presenter is Putra Sadikin,

[00:00:19.760]an experienced geochemist and senior software analyst

[00:00:22.510]from Imdex Limited.

[00:00:24.130]Putra, can you tell more about yourself?

[00:00:26.650]<v Putra>Thanks, Allan.</v>

[00:00:28.010]It’s a pleasure to be here to be presenting this webinar

[00:00:31.140]with you guys today.

[00:00:32.440]So I work in a product management team

[00:00:34.650]for the ioGAS software.

[00:00:36.500]I look after product support training,

[00:00:38.760]and a bit of sales and research

[00:00:40.430]and development work for the software.

[00:00:42.970]My background is in geology.

[00:00:44.790]Today, we’ll be presenting a bit of a workflow

[00:00:48.140]between ioGAS and Leapfrog Geo and I’m really excited

[00:00:50.940]to be here today.

[00:00:52.080]Thanks Allen.

[00:00:53.530]<v Allan>Thank you Putra.</v>

[00:00:54.890]So today’s presentation is about linking lithology

[00:00:58.340]and Geochemistry through the use of Leapfrog Geo and ioGAS.

[00:01:02.670]The purpose of this presentation

[00:01:04.250]is for us to appreciate the live link

[00:01:05.910]between Leapfrog Geo and ioGAS,

[00:01:08.780]as well as have the opportunity

[00:01:10.180]to analyze various multi element data,

[00:01:13.360]which could provide hints

[00:01:14.530]to determine different rock types, alteration,

[00:01:17.470]and mineralization patterns

[00:01:19.320]that normally our naked eye couldn’t immediately see.

[00:01:23.420]So for today’s webinar,

[00:01:24.910]we’ll first give you an overview about our company,

[00:01:27.606]then I’ll be going through a series of PowerPoint slides

[00:01:30.670]on sequence solutions, including Leapfrog Geo

[00:01:34.820]and ioGAS link, we’ll give you a bit

[00:01:37.030]of background about the dataset that we used

[00:01:39.490]for multi-element analysis

[00:01:41.640]before moving into the Leapfrog Geo

[00:01:44.665]and ioGAS workflows, which I’m pretty sure all

[00:01:46.920]of you will find interesting and useful.

[00:01:49.045]And then we’ll jump into the live demo

[00:01:51.620]on Leapfrog Geo and ioGAS workflows,

[00:01:54.580]and then end it with a summary.

[00:01:58.070]So about Seequent.

[00:01:59.070]Seequent is a global leader

[00:02:01.420]in the development of visual data science software

[00:02:05.670]and collaborative technologies.

[00:02:08.310]We turn complex data into geological understanding,

[00:02:11.770]provide timely insights,

[00:02:13.437]and gave decision-makers confidence that they need.

[00:02:17.480]Our Seequent solutions harness information,

[00:02:20.460]extract value, bring meaning, and reduce risk.

[00:02:25.200]Our 3D modeling tools

[00:02:26.550]and technology are widely applied across industries

[00:02:30.755]and projects, including road and tunnel construction,

[00:02:34.620]groundwater detection and management,

[00:02:37.540]geothermal exploration, we also have something

[00:02:41.247]in resource evaluation and estimation, subterranean storage

[00:02:47.220]of spent nuclear fuel and a whole lot more.

[00:02:50.410]So the sequence solution encompasses a range

[00:02:52.670]of software products applicable for use

[00:02:55.740]across the volume mining chain.

[00:02:59.100]We have the Geosoft suite of products

[00:03:02.480]and the Leapfrog suite of products, both for GIS mapping,

[00:03:07.040]geophysical, geochemical, geological, and resource modeling,

[00:03:12.450]and we also have the GEOSLOPE products

[00:03:14.630]that are designed for geotechnical engineering problems.

[00:03:18.930]I’m sure many of you are already familiar

[00:03:20.770]with some of these solutions.

[00:03:23.000]Most can be integrated using Seequent Central

[00:03:26.220]for model management and collaboration.

[00:03:29.780]Today, we will be focusing on Leapfrog Geo, ioGAS,

[00:03:33.940]and index product, and the Leapfrog Geo-ioGAS link

[00:03:37.790]so that we can visualize geochemical data in real-time.

[00:03:42.550]So what is Leapfrog Geo?

[00:03:45.257]Leapfrog Geo is workflow based 3D

[00:03:48.220]implicit geological modeling tool,

[00:03:50.680]which allows you to quickly construct models

[00:03:53.480]directly from various sources,

[00:03:56.110]including drill holes, points, and surfaces.

[00:04:00.640]Leapfrog uses volumetric algorithm called Fast RBF

[00:04:05.230]to construct fast pass surfaces quickly.

[00:04:08.520]The RBF or radial basis function

[00:04:11.510]is a mathematical backbone of Leapfrog.

[00:04:14.490]The surfaces such as in here in the 3D scene.

[00:04:18.820]Created, can be modified as needed

[00:04:21.130]to fit your geological interpretations.

[00:04:24.280]So due to its implicit nature,

[00:04:26.680]your models can be dynamically updated

[00:04:28.810]to honor new input data at any time.

[00:04:32.490]This new data can be new drilling information,

[00:04:35.650]new surface information, or any useful inputs.

[00:04:40.240]Under the geochemistry folder is the ioGAS link.

[00:04:44.680]We’re going to use this tool to bring assay data

[00:04:47.690]from Leapfrog Geo as points or interval file

[00:04:51.300]to ioGAS, where you can interrogate, visualize,

[00:04:57.103]and classify data, then back to Leapfrog Geo,

[00:05:00.030]where you can visualize and model the data.

[00:05:04.370]I’m now handing over to Putra,

[00:05:06.290]who will explain more about ioGAS, Putra?

[00:05:10.950]<v Putra>Thank you, Allan, and thanks for the introduction.</v>

[00:05:13.690]So for those of you who have not heard

[00:05:16.170]or used ioGAS software before,

[00:05:18.640]I just want to give a brief introduction

[00:05:21.333]of what ioGAS is and why we do what we do here.

[00:05:25.130]So ioGAS is developed by Imdex, a mining tech company,

[00:05:29.210]specializing in development of cloud connected devices

[00:05:33.790]and drilling optimization products

[00:05:35.540]to improve the process of identifying

[00:05:38.360]and extracting mineral for resource companies.

[00:05:41.040]And as a program,

[00:05:42.270]ioGAS has been around for more than 10 years now.

[00:05:45.440]It’s a software that lets you

[00:05:47.160]interpret your geoscientific data.

[00:05:50.040]We have years of experience supplying high-level advanced

[00:05:53.170]data analysis techniques to your practical applications

[00:05:56.670]in interpreting your geochemical and other geological data

[00:06:00.860]such as downhole gamma measurements and structural logging.

[00:06:04.980]So what we do best in ioGAS

[00:06:06.900]is in applying exploratory data analysis techniques

[00:06:10.830]to your geochemical data.

[00:06:12.560]And that is our focus through our very visual workflow.

[00:06:16.980]And that workflow in itself is suitable

[00:06:19.360]for looking at our data types as well.

[00:06:21.370]So it’s not just for your geochemistry data,

[00:06:24.410]so you can use the workload that we have

[00:06:26.340]in the program to interrogate spectral data

[00:06:29.110]such as those from Osiris and structural data,

[00:06:32.020]such as the ones that we get from our Iq other tool,

[00:06:34.980]also our downhole gamma data

[00:06:36.960]from our easy gamma tool as well.

[00:06:39.330]So that’s ioGAS.

[00:06:41.790]So this is an example

[00:06:43.210]of a typical workflow window for ioGAS.

[00:06:47.050]So this is an example of someone who wants to know more

[00:06:50.120]about the geological context behind his geochemical data.

[00:06:55.140]So say, if you got your assay data

[00:06:57.630]from the lab that corresponds to a draft that you upload

[00:07:01.590]from the field, and you just want to know more

[00:07:04.075]about them, about the context, about their background,

[00:07:09.430]and what processes can be inferred from this.

[00:07:12.090]So you can see on the right-hand side

[00:07:14.050]of this window is a couple of classification diagrams.

[00:07:17.730]So this is what we call X, Y

[00:07:20.480]or ternary scatterplots with overlays of shape and lines.

[00:07:24.340]So polygons and polylines

[00:07:26.340]that allows someone to classify their data points.

[00:07:30.410]And it’s a way for geologists

[00:07:33.230]to link back their geochem data

[00:07:36.200]to certain geological classification

[00:07:39.450]based on known composition

[00:07:41.470]and also infer certain geological processes.

[00:07:45.530]So it’s a process reduction technique.

[00:07:48.750]So it’s a way for someone

[00:07:50.000]to visualize their geochemical data

[00:07:53.881]in the 2D or 3D space

[00:07:56.865]and allowing them to link it back to what they know

[00:07:59.010]about the rocks, either from visual logging

[00:08:03.145]or from other ways that they have interpreted their data.

[00:08:06.000]And next to it in the middle, we have our decision tree.

[00:08:09.420]So that’s what we call our classification

[00:08:11.650]and regression tree algorithm.

[00:08:14.030]So this is a way for someone

[00:08:15.550]to figure out which elements contribute the most

[00:08:18.380]to classifying the data points based on

[00:08:21.374]their geology and what they have locked

[00:08:23.930]in the field and things like that.

[00:08:25.720]And next to it, just on the left is a wavelet plot.

[00:08:30.260]And that is a way for someone to define their boundaries

[00:08:35.448]using downhole data from either their instrumentation

[00:08:39.900]from gamma data or their geochemistry data

[00:08:43.800]that they plotted up on a downhole plot, such as this one.

[00:08:46.180]So it’s allowing them to automatically pick up boundaries

[00:08:49.264]and enabling them to make better decisions

[00:08:53.280]on where your boundaries are sitting

[00:08:55.290]with respect to alteration or lithological processes.

[00:08:58.890]And just on the very left

[00:08:59.980]is a couple of principal components analysis plots.

[00:09:04.160]So in the bottom is an example of a biplot.

[00:09:07.020]So you’re plotting up in the result

[00:09:09.280]of principal components analysis on your data points,

[00:09:13.360]and you’re plotting up the principal components access

[00:09:16.130]on top of it.

[00:09:17.180]And you’re just basically seeing which elements contribute

[00:09:19.590]the most to the variation that’s represented

[00:09:22.990]by the data points.

[00:09:23.990]And you’re linking, basically linking all these processes

[00:09:27.710]that you’re able to identify using classification diagrams

[00:09:31.470]and with some mathematical analysis as well to back that up.

[00:09:35.620]So we will go through some

[00:09:37.800]of these in more detail, especially on the right-hand side

[00:09:40.600]of the screen with the classification diagrams.

[00:09:43.180]We’ll go through this workflow

[00:09:44.340]in more detail within this webinar.

[00:09:46.300]So thanks, Allan.

[00:09:49.040]<v Putra>Thank you Putra for a brief introduction on ioGAS.</v>

[00:09:53.750]I’m now going to show you some information

[00:09:55.920]about the dataset that we’re going to use.

[00:09:58.780]So there are 11 drill holes in this project.

[00:10:02.320]So displayed on the 3D scene are the different rock types.

[00:10:05.730]We’ve got two felsic rocks, A and B,

[00:10:08.465]and we’ve got a mafic rock,

[00:10:11.230]which is the dark blue in color.

[00:10:13.700]We have a total of 1084 data points

[00:10:18.228]with 59 assays per suite per interval.

[00:10:22.620]Displayed on the right side of the screen are tables

[00:10:25.160]for your color for assay, and also for your geology.

[00:10:30.730]Assay data is composed

[00:10:32.060]of major, immobile, rare earth elements,

[00:10:35.910]precious and base metals.

[00:10:37.750]This assay groups can be viewed in ioGAS.

[00:10:41.190]Once again, and I’ll hand over to Putra

[00:10:42.940]who’ll briefly discuss the Leapfrog Geo and ioGAS workflows.

[00:10:47.750]Off to you, Putra.

[00:10:50.090]<v Putra>Thanks, Allan.</v>

[00:10:51.150]So just jumping off on this slide a bit.

[00:10:53.850]So this is a display

[00:10:55.040]of how you would select your elements in ioGAS.

[00:10:58.810]And what we provide to our users

[00:11:00.880]is a way of easily selecting

[00:11:03.970]from a list of provided elements based on common groupings.

[00:11:09.900]So major elements, immobiles, and rare elements,

[00:11:13.225]they’re grouped in a certain way

[00:11:15.933]that we can pick them easily from ioGAS

[00:11:18.660]and they also provide a list of pathfinder elements

[00:11:21.480]for common deposit types and that sort of thing.

[00:11:24.000]So this is just a way for you to group your elements

[00:11:27.070]together before you visualize them within ioGAS.

[00:11:31.630]So I’m just going to go through the workflow

[00:11:34.770]that we’re going to be presenting to you today.

[00:11:37.700]So the first workflow is igneous rock classification.

[00:11:41.690]So this is what we will do

[00:11:44.320]to look at your geochem data in ioGAS.

[00:11:50.150]So we’re going to bring intervals data containing assay

[00:11:54.540]information from Leapfrog Geo into ioGAS.

[00:11:58.260]And we are going to use a combination

[00:12:01.810]of classification diagrams

[00:12:04.120]in ioGAS to classify the rocks based on certain processes

[00:12:08.520]and what we think are actually happening behind the data

[00:12:14.430]on its own.

[00:12:15.360]And what we ended up actually discovering from this

[00:12:18.320]is we were able to subdivide our log classification.

[00:12:23.280]So not just felsic A, felsic B, and mafic

[00:12:25.930]we were able to actually split them up into sub groups,

[00:12:29.270]just using a combination of relatively simple

[00:12:32.900]geochemical classification diagrams.

[00:12:35.180]And what we’re able to do in ioGAS

[00:12:36.970]is we’re able to save them as a new column,

[00:12:42.960]and we’re able to push that across back to Leapfrog Geo,

[00:12:46.170]where Allan is able to turn them into

[00:12:50.170]a refined geological model

[00:12:52.940]based on our geochemical classification.

[00:12:55.730]That’s what we call the back flagging process.

[00:12:58.530]And moving on to the second workflow.

[00:13:01.620]So we were able to take this one step further

[00:13:05.090]and we will again use a combination

[00:13:07.210]of simple classification diagrams,

[00:13:09.840]and in this case, a combination of the alteration box plot,

[00:13:13.400]and a couple of molar element ratio diagrams

[00:13:17.986]to identify the processes really

[00:13:21.980]that we can observe here in this rock.

[00:13:23.710]So it’s important for us to

[00:13:26.860]go through the process of first identifying

[00:13:29.450]the lithology before we delve into the alteration.

[00:13:32.850]But the way that we’ve used this alteration modeling

[00:13:36.020]is we were able to identify the data points

[00:13:39.410]that corresponds to the processes that we were able

[00:13:41.930]to see using these diagrams.

[00:13:43.990]And then through the creation of new color groups,

[00:13:47.410]based on this information, that’s in a new column

[00:13:50.490]in ioGAS that we are able to backtrack into the Leapfrog Geo

[00:13:55.020]as a way for someone like Allan

[00:13:57.420]to create the new alteration model

[00:14:00.320]based on the alteration modeling

[00:14:02.290]that we’ve come up within ioGAS.

[00:14:05.290]So that’s the essence of today’s webinar.

[00:14:08.160]And I’ll hand over the control

[00:14:09.520]to Allan who will go through the process,

[00:14:11.700]starting from the Leapfrog Geo side of it.

[00:14:13.680]Thanks, Allan.

[00:14:15.518]<v Allan>Thank you, Putra.</v>

[00:14:17.180]So let’s now jump into the live demo

[00:14:19.200]on Leapfrog Geo and ioGAS.

[00:14:21.670]Have now opened Leapfrog Geo together

[00:14:24.260]with a lithological model that we have previously created,

[00:14:28.500]it’s a very simple model.

[00:14:30.370]It contains three lithologies, felsic A, felsic B,

[00:14:34.190]and the mafic rock.

[00:14:36.380]Again, for those who are not too familiar with Leapfrog,

[00:14:39.850]just as a brief rundown on the user interface

[00:14:43.080]we have in here, the project tree on the left side

[00:14:47.400]of the screen, which is designed with a top-down approach.

[00:14:51.600]The first half of the folders,

[00:14:53.300]so from topography down to around like meshes folder.

[00:14:58.560]So this is where data is imported or created.

[00:15:02.210]And the second half is where all the various models

[00:15:05.100]are going to be constructed.

[00:15:06.710]So from the geological models folder

[00:15:09.790]down to the block models folder.

[00:15:12.490]And of course, you’ve got in here to save scenes and movies,

[00:15:16.620]sections and contours for presentation purposes,

[00:15:20.960]and lastly, we have in here a folder

[00:15:23.520]for a geochemical analysis, of course.

[00:15:25.550]And you also have in here

[00:15:27.000]an option to import color gradients.

[00:15:30.680]We also have in here the 3D scene

[00:15:32.480]in the middle where you can interact objects,

[00:15:35.080]where as you can drag and drop things from the project tree

[00:15:39.280]to the 3D scene and everything

[00:15:41.840]that is displayed on the 3D scene is actually listed down

[00:15:46.010]in here under the shape place at the bottom of the 3D scene.

[00:15:50.770]We can choose the different visualization settings

[00:15:53.650]such as turning on and off layers,

[00:15:57.740]turning on and off objects,

[00:16:01.010]or determining what you want to visualize in the 3D scene.

[00:16:06.640]So underneath the save scenes folder,

[00:16:08.760]I’m just going to expand this particular folder over here.

[00:16:12.300]I’ve created a few save scenes, which act as bookmarks.

[00:16:16.710]I’ll be running through this

[00:16:17.860]for the purposes of this presentation.

[00:16:21.170]This is a great way of preserving perspectives

[00:16:23.640]of different objects or to tell a story

[00:16:25.631]without bringing different objects into the scene.

[00:16:29.840]So one of the more important features mentioned earlier

[00:16:33.180]is that Leapfrog Geo is dynamic in nature.

[00:16:36.840]So any changes that you make

[00:16:38.880]to the data will automatically be reflected throughout.

[00:16:43.480]So I’m just going to go through

[00:16:44.490]with the following save scenes now.

[00:16:48.250]So these are the colors of the drill holes,

[00:16:52.570]and I’m going to just going to display the assay now

[00:16:55.060]with scandium and also titanium.

[00:17:00.230]So I’ve just set in here two examples

[00:17:01.533]by displaying scandium and titanium.

[00:17:04.330]However, under the drop down in here under the assay table,

[00:17:07.890]feel free to, you can choose whatever elements you want

[00:17:11.410]to display, for example, nickel.

[00:17:15.720]Just going to go through with the geology again.

[00:17:19.320]So these are displaying the three major deformities,

[00:17:23.370]felsic A, felsic B, and the mafic rock.

[00:17:26.880]The first thing that we’re going to do

[00:17:28.530]is we’re going to construct a surface

[00:17:30.420]in between felsic A and B.

[00:17:33.990]So I’ve created an intrusion surface in here

[00:17:37.255]to model between the two lithologies.

[00:17:41.300]And after that, I was able to model the mafic rock

[00:17:45.280]as a vein.

[00:17:47.680]And then from there,

[00:17:49.173]I was able to create the simple lithogical model.

[00:17:52.500]So everything happens under the geological models folder.

[00:17:56.120]I’m just going to expand this a bit more

[00:17:58.310]and all the surfaces

[00:17:59.650]are created under the surface chronology

[00:18:01.940]by right clicking on it.

[00:18:03.860]And then by creating the output volumes of course,

[00:18:05.785]for those who of familiar,

[00:18:07.910]just double click on the surface cohomology

[00:18:10.170]we activate the surfaces, click okay,

[00:18:12.980]and we create the output volumes down in here.

[00:18:17.910]Okay, let’s move on.

[00:18:18.777]And I’m just going to kind of slice through

[00:18:21.290]this simple geological model here.

[00:18:23.940]So just to give us an idea on how this

[00:18:27.765]lithology looks like at various sections.

[00:18:33.810]Okay, so the next step for us to do is

[00:18:35.990]I’m just going to connect now to ioGAS.

[00:18:39.730]So more importantly

[00:18:41.460]is you need to have a licensed ioGAS software.

[00:18:44.720]So I’m just going to make this,

[00:18:48.451]I’m just going to collapse those folders.

[00:18:51.620]And first thing is okay,

[00:18:55.409]if we start in here, if you say,

[00:18:57.560]if you see this ioGAS not connected,

[00:19:00.390]what do you need to do now is to connect.

[00:19:03.250]All right, and make sure again,

[00:19:04.610]make sure that you have ioGAS software turned on as well.

[00:19:09.260]And the next step that you need to do

[00:19:10.780]is to right click and then click on the new ioGAS data.

[00:19:14.850]So I’m now going to click on this option.

[00:19:18.810]And of course you need to select the base table.

[00:19:21.770]In this case, I want it to select the assay base table.

[00:19:25.440]And under the available column

[00:19:29.995]on here, I could choose all my multi-element data in one go

[00:19:35.860]and put them onto the other side under the selected columns.

[00:19:39.840]And then click okay.

[00:19:42.648]I’m just going to click cancel now

[00:19:43.970]because I’ve already created one in here.

[00:19:46.040]I’m just going to expand the ioGAS link.

[00:19:50.890]And this is now the ioGAS data.

[00:19:55.110]So I’m now going to hand over to Putra

[00:19:58.390]to open the link in ioGAS

[00:20:01.870]in order for him to interrogate

[00:20:04.430]the various multi-element assays that’s available.

[00:20:08.420]<v Putra>Thank you, Allan.</v>

[00:20:09.260]Just jumping off from where we left off with Allan.

[00:20:12.980]So we already brought the data into Leapfrog Geo,

[00:20:17.240]and then we’ve already made the geology model.

[00:20:19.700]And now what we want to do

[00:20:21.050]is we want to see if we can use ioGAS

[00:20:24.010]to define your geology model,

[00:20:26.260]or even come up with a brand new geology model

[00:20:28.650]based on any classification

[00:20:30.060]that you made based on your assay data.

[00:20:32.240]So the next thing that we’re going to do is on my end,

[00:20:35.360]I’m just going to make sure that the link is turned on.

[00:20:39.030]And once that’s turned on the Leapfrog Geo in ioGAS,

[00:20:43.430]it’s always a good idea to make sure

[00:20:45.085]that there’s nothing open within the current workspace

[00:20:49.460]within ioGAS, just leave it as empty

[00:20:52.950]as when you first start the program.

[00:20:55.390]So the link is already active

[00:20:57.760]within both programs at this stage.

[00:21:00.100]And before we go forward,

[00:21:02.890]I’m just going to show you a few things about the interface.

[00:21:06.470]So what we have at the top is a collection of ribbon tabs.

[00:21:11.010]So this corresponds to pretty basic functionalities split

[00:21:15.470]into each of these steps.

[00:21:17.190]And most people will just live within the home tab

[00:21:21.770]for their basic graphing needs.

[00:21:24.880]Where are we going to go through now is the process

[00:21:27.670]of actually bringing in this new ioGAS data

[00:21:31.010]that you generated in Leapfrog Geo into ioGAS itself.

[00:21:35.230]So if we go into the file tab

[00:21:37.550]and if we click on the open link menu.

[00:21:40.370]And before we do that, I’m just going

[00:21:41.650]to just kind of try and make this a bit smaller

[00:21:44.220]so we can see both programs at the same time.

[00:21:46.820]So clicking on this icon,

[00:21:48.850]this will allow me to essentially bring in the assay data

[00:21:53.710]from Leapfrog Geo to ioGAS.

[00:21:57.300]On the view here, we see the geology model.

[00:22:00.330]So we just like to turn all of this off for now.

[00:22:04.914]We just want to check that we are looking

[00:22:07.550]at the same thing within ioGAS.

[00:22:09.560]So notice that everything is black here

[00:22:11.600]as I drag this new ioGAS down into the Leapfrog view.

[00:22:14.780]And that’s because in ioGAS when you first open a file,

[00:22:18.310]your colors, shape, and size properties,

[00:22:21.110]so that’s how your data points are displayed

[00:22:23.120]within any plot in ioGAS,

[00:22:25.185]they’re displayed as black circles as default.

[00:22:28.690]So that’s an important note,

[00:22:31.140]important thing to know at the start.

[00:22:33.490]And what we can do now

[00:22:35.300]is we just want to make sure that our data has been aliased.

[00:22:39.765]So aliasing is a very important concept in ioGAS.

[00:22:45.080]So aliasing is a way for ioGAS to know

[00:22:49.220]you’re dealing with geochemical data

[00:22:51.770]in your file as opposed to purely numerical information.

[00:22:57.200]So it’s a way for ioGAS to know that you’re bringing

[00:23:00.240]in SIO2 in percent as an assay data,

[00:23:05.448]as opposed to SIO2_% just as any numeric information.

[00:23:09.650]While it’s simple enough to describe it like that,

[00:23:12.070]but it’s important in a way that it allows people

[00:23:15.370]to plot their data in classification diagrams

[00:23:18.610]and do automatic conversion in the background.

[00:23:21.240]So say if they want to create a molar element ratio diagram,

[00:23:25.450]if you have tried doing that in a place like Excel

[00:23:29.840]or things like that, it’s got a cumbersome process,

[00:23:32.880]especially if your data is all in silica

[00:23:36.210]in weight percent, for example, not in molar equivalent.

[00:23:40.810]It’s just one of those things that we’ll need to check

[00:23:42.870]to make sure that all of your assay data has been aliased.

[00:23:46.010]So we’re pretty happy with this

[00:23:47.467]’cause we’ve already done this step before.

[00:23:50.230]And what we want to do now

[00:23:52.630]is we want to select a few elements.

[00:23:56.430]So say if we start looking at your immobile elements,

[00:23:59.670]because we know that we’re dealing

[00:24:02.090]with a number of volcanic rocks in this area.

[00:24:05.850]So what we want to do

[00:24:07.035]is we want to use a combination of these elements

[00:24:09.890]to see if there’s any pattern in them that can be used

[00:24:12.640]to further differentiate them apart.

[00:24:15.170]So the best way to do that is to select them

[00:24:18.330]as I did just then.

[00:24:20.770]And open up a scatterplot matrix.

[00:24:23.630]And that allows you to see

[00:24:24.730]that there might be some subpopulation

[00:24:29.145]within this data that we can cluster up

[00:24:31.410]and easily identify using our attribute manager

[00:24:34.850]and things like that.

[00:24:36.100]The most powerful thing

[00:24:37.260]about ioGAS that I find really useful and the visual aspect

[00:24:42.610]of it is it’s absolutely essential

[00:24:45.520]for someone examining their data visually.

[00:24:48.470]And it’s the way that we can assign a color group

[00:24:52.570]to a selection of data points

[00:24:55.360]and have that reflected in every other open plot in ioGAS.

[00:24:59.610]And that allows you to see that this cluster right here,

[00:25:03.330]then if I create a new one,

[00:25:06.860]if I use that to attribute just this cluster, just manually

[00:25:11.875]by I, and you can see how it corresponds

[00:25:13.890]to clusters in every other related elements.

[00:25:17.440]And it’s one thing that sort of got you thinking,

[00:25:20.980]what processes am I actually looking at here?

[00:25:24.230]So this is an important step.

[00:25:26.610]The first time that you’re trying to do this sort

[00:25:29.320]of thing in ioGAS is that we provide a number

[00:25:32.260]of advanced analytics tools

[00:25:34.955]and diagrams and geochemical classification

[00:25:37.370]within ioGAS that is important to know

[00:25:39.480]that if you know what elements are useful

[00:25:41.590]in splitting out between certain volcanic rock types,

[00:25:45.300]it’s a pretty good idea to just plot them up

[00:25:47.310]in a simple scatter plot matrix like this

[00:25:50.380]and attribute them and see

[00:25:52.835]where they plot in 3D space, because what you can see here,

[00:25:55.410]once you get them plotted up in a Leapfrog Geo,

[00:25:57.980]you can see that there’s actually two layerings here.

[00:26:00.150]So based on the two clusters that I’ve identified just

[00:26:02.930]by a visual identification,

[00:26:04.980]you see that they correspond to stratigraphic level.

[00:26:08.420]So this is a concept that we will explore

[00:26:10.550]in a bit more detail now.

[00:26:12.017]I’m just going to clear up, I leave the color groups here

[00:26:14.710]because we’re going to do something else.

[00:26:16.600]So just going to minimize this

[00:26:19.210]and I’m going to open a classification diagram.

[00:26:24.560]So as I was saying earlier on,

[00:26:27.545]in the presentation, a classification diagram is a way

[00:26:31.040]for someone to link their geochemical data back

[00:26:35.690]to a known geological process

[00:26:37.690]or geological classification based on a similar rock type.

[00:26:42.390]So most of these diagrams are based on the literature.

[00:26:45.570]So if you’re looking at sort of the same rock

[00:26:47.890]that the author or the maker

[00:26:49.990]of the paper, or the source of this diagram

[00:26:52.790]that they used to make those diagrams in the first place,

[00:26:56.750]if you’re looking at the same set

[00:26:58.170]of rocks, then it’s a good idea to start

[00:27:00.430]using this diagrams, but it’s absolutely important

[00:27:03.293]to know that when you’re looking

[00:27:05.410]at these diagrams to know exactly what you’re looking for.

[00:27:09.720]What’s important to look at from this one, for example?

[00:27:12.190]This is a task classification diagram.

[00:27:14.990]So it’s using a ratio

[00:27:16.070]of your sodium plus potassium over silica.

[00:27:18.960]And you can see that the rock types

[00:27:20.630]are actually just pretty uniform all along the Y axis,

[00:27:23.550]but the SIO2 is the one that’s splitting up the felsic

[00:27:26.233]and the mafic in a way.

[00:27:27.870]And that’s how you would use this sort

[00:27:30.270]of diagram to classify your data points.

[00:27:33.870]And the cool thing

[00:27:34.703]about this sort of a diagram classification diagram in ioGAS

[00:27:38.630]is that it’s divided into sub classification fields.

[00:27:42.610]And classification fields,

[00:27:44.480]the fact that you have data points right

[00:27:47.155]on top of them means that the obvious next thing to do

[00:27:49.905]is see where a data point is plotting

[00:27:52.550]and you color them based on where they plot in this diagram.

[00:27:55.450]So if I click on a small button here,

[00:27:57.590]color rows by polygon, you can watch how it auto attributes

[00:28:01.690]based on where they plot within this classification fields.

[00:28:05.600]And you just see it ticking away in the background

[00:28:08.370]or on the Leapfrog side on the right-hand side

[00:28:10.160]of the screen.

[00:28:10.993]And you can see how it updates automatically.

[00:28:13.510]I see this layering right here, under the Leapfrog Geo side.

[00:28:16.840]And that is actually what we expect to see.

[00:28:19.460]What we’ve managed to find

[00:28:21.070]is that we’re able to split the rock type space

[00:28:23.850]on where thay plot within this diagram,

[00:28:26.000]and more specifically based on the SIO2 value.

[00:28:29.840]But we can go one step further.

[00:28:32.350]And if we think of these rocks as being slightly altered,

[00:28:37.620]so we don’t know much about these rocks, right,

[00:28:40.030]and this is the sort of thing that you would get

[00:28:43.683]if you have limited logging and you don’t know much

[00:28:46.520]about the rocks at first place,

[00:28:48.280]or you’re uncertain about what they are,

[00:28:50.210]but you know for sure that there’s a bit of alteration here,

[00:28:53.470]which might move some of this numbers around,

[00:28:55.480]especially in the, Y axis not so much on the X axis,

[00:28:59.510]but with your sodium and potassium,

[00:29:02.470]if you expose them to a bit of alteration and weathering,

[00:29:05.230]you would move some of these numbers around.

[00:29:06.830]So you would want something that’s a bit more robust

[00:29:09.430]in that sense.

[00:29:10.670]So we provide a diagram

[00:29:13.913]for looking at immobile elements in this instance.

[00:29:17.590]So a particularly useful one that you would use

[00:29:20.320]in that scenario is plotting niobium ithrium

[00:29:23.340]versus uranium over titanium in the PSI 96 diagram.

[00:29:27.750]So this is absolutely useful,

[00:29:30.940]because you’re looking

[00:29:32.650]at elements that are known to be relatively immobile

[00:29:35.590]in weathered or hydrothermally altered settings.

[00:29:39.920]So what we can do now in here.

[00:29:42.520]So we’ve identified our rock type space in a task diagram,

[00:29:45.510]and we’d like to subdivide the dacite field even further,

[00:29:50.150]because as we can see here, the green rocks

[00:29:54.430]that I labeled as dacite from the first diagram,

[00:29:58.200]you see that they are present

[00:30:00.140]in two fields within a rhyolite based side,

[00:30:03.140]and the basaltic andesite.

[00:30:05.590]What we can see is actually

[00:30:08.580]some of the dacite, were probably miss logged

[00:30:13.256]as dacite in this classification.

[00:30:14.640]So they’re probably andesite, basaltic andesite.

[00:30:17.800]So what we can do is we can turn everything off,

[00:30:21.150]except for the dacite.

[00:30:23.420]And then we’ll just create a new classification

[00:30:27.610]for basaltic andesite, and I’ll just call them ABA.

[00:30:32.350]And what I’ll do now is I will reclassify the samples

[00:30:36.340]that plots here into a new group.

[00:30:38.960]So I got them active in the attribute manager in ioGAS.

[00:30:43.060]Before I move on to attribute managers, basically,

[00:30:45.310]as you’ve seen in the last five minutes or so,

[00:30:48.310]attribute manager is where the visual heart of ioGAS is.

[00:30:52.050]So everything you do here is reflected

[00:30:54.540]in every visual aspect

[00:30:56.800]of ioGAS, so every other open plot

[00:30:58.640]and every other diagram and things like that.

[00:31:01.500]So I’m going to make sure that ABA is active

[00:31:05.530]and I am going to attribute this into its new group.

[00:31:13.440]And this is what we call the new ABA group.

[00:31:16.330]And we just see where everything sort of sits.

[00:31:18.970]So what we came up here is just a way

[00:31:22.520]for pre-logging or classification based on

[00:31:25.270]where they plot in this two relatively simple diagrams.

[00:31:28.760]And it’s important to know the processes that’s tied

[00:31:31.950]to this diagrams and what works

[00:31:34.240]with your data, first of all, what minerals gets resolved

[00:31:39.070]within certain analytical method

[00:31:41.950]and whether it’s appropriate to use this diagram

[00:31:44.050]or another diagram.

[00:31:45.700]But so far what we see in here sort of works

[00:31:47.740]in a way that it subdivides them into a stratigraphy

[00:31:51.401]that we can easily model in Leapfrog Geo.

[00:31:54.660]And before we move on, let’s just very quickly see

[00:31:58.870]if we can change the shape of this to the major lithology,

[00:32:02.993]so felsic A, felsic B, and mafic.

[00:32:06.450]And we’ll just see what happens if I turn things on and off.

[00:32:09.730]So if I turn everything off

[00:32:11.230]and we’ll just see where the felsic A rock

[00:32:13.700]sort of sits, and you can see

[00:32:16.355]that I’ve divided felsic A into several groups,

[00:32:18.630]as it turns out these guys right here,

[00:32:20.480]they’re not felsic A at all,

[00:32:22.360]they’re actually are correctly classified

[00:32:24.800]as basaltic in composition,

[00:32:27.210]and it’s the same thing with the other ones.

[00:32:29.060]So it’s a way, it’s not asking you

[00:32:32.893]to replace what you know, it’s just a way

[00:32:35.520]for you to sort of think back about your rocks a bit more

[00:32:39.500]and trying to see if you can improve them further

[00:32:42.320]by combining your inspection

[00:32:46.547]of your rocks with your geochemical data.

[00:32:49.280]And as such, it’s always a good idea

[00:32:51.120]to get really good whole rock geochem data,

[00:32:53.968]because that allows you to do this sort of thing.

[00:32:56.820]So the next thing that I’m going

[00:32:58.863]to do is, and I’ve already done this step before,

[00:33:01.370]but basically what you can do now

[00:33:03.080]is if you go to the data tab

[00:33:05.300]in ioGAS, you’re able to create a new variable from color.

[00:33:10.560]So you’re basically creating a new column

[00:33:13.780]based on this color attribute.

[00:33:17.320]And it will be show,

[00:33:19.240]so I’m just going to create new column colors.

[00:33:21.163]I’m just going to click cancel

[00:33:22.170]’cause we’ve already done this.

[00:33:24.180]And so if I just pretend that I’ve already done

[00:33:26.650]that and if you go to the right,

[00:33:28.400]click under task classification, so right at the end.

[00:33:32.040]So I’ve already reclassified them

[00:33:37.159]into this new column based on a classification

[00:33:40.500]that I did just then using the color groups.

[00:33:43.290]And basically that process

[00:33:44.930]in itself, the newly created column is actually pushed back

[00:33:49.480]to Leapfrog Geo as new back flag column

[00:33:54.695]under assay, and it’s called color TAS class.

[00:33:57.490]And this is what Allan

[00:33:58.780]is going to use to refine his geological model,

[00:34:01.260]to make a new geological model based on this classification.

[00:34:04.710]So over to you now, Allan, thank you.

[00:34:08.170]<v Allan>Thank you, Putra.</v>

[00:34:09.320]Right, so as Putra discussed,

[00:34:11.980]this is now the back flagged alteration assemblage

[00:34:17.080]using the task specification diagram

[00:34:21.090]and everything is back flag from the drill hole data

[00:34:25.880]down to the assay table.

[00:34:27.880]If you’re going to look in here, that’s now

[00:34:33.350]the column that was added in Leapfrog Geo from ioGAS, okay?

[00:34:38.910]I’m going to go through the save scenes

[00:34:41.080]and movies again, just to continue on with the discussion.

[00:34:44.780]And also Putra earlier on

[00:34:48.730]was able to classify the dacite bodies into two.

[00:34:53.590]So we’ve got in here he has classify the dacite.

[00:34:57.250]This one here, the dark blue one remains

[00:34:59.530]as dacite, while the other one has been classified as ABI

[00:35:03.760]or understated basaltic andesite specie, rock specie.

[00:35:09.280]All right, so moving on to the task classification again,

[00:35:15.290]and then we’re now able to model this as intrusion surfaces.

[00:35:21.515]So I’ve got the basaltic andesite

[00:35:23.525]and dacite modeled as intrusion services.

[00:35:26.350]And next is I was able

[00:35:28.250]to model my basaltic contacts, rhyolite,

[00:35:34.238]and andesite as deposit surfaces in Leapfrog Geo.

[00:35:39.290]So everything in here, if I go up,

[00:35:43.060]go down to a geological models folder,

[00:35:46.520]everything will be constructed again

[00:35:50.050]under the surface chronology.

[00:35:51.260]So these are the surfaces that are actually being shown

[00:35:54.070]in the 3D scene now, all right?

[00:35:56.540]And then from there I’ve generated my output volumes.

[00:36:04.180]And this is now the output volume that was created

[00:36:07.370]and based from the predictions that was shown

[00:36:11.740]in ioGAS earlier on clearly reflects the layered nature

[00:36:17.030]of the different rock types

[00:36:18.330]that was modeled into Leapfrog Geo.

[00:36:21.405]So if you’re going to compare this with the simple lithology

[00:36:25.630]that was modeled earlier, which you can see is just

[00:36:29.480]three lithologies to start off with.

[00:36:31.970]And through ioGAS,

[00:36:33.310]we’re able to classify this further into various rock types.

[00:36:38.230]All right, I’m just going to change over the screen now back

[00:36:41.100]to Putra in order to explain more about alteration modeling.

[00:36:46.270]<v Putra>Thanks, Allan.</v>

[00:36:47.900]So we’re just going to touch on a few things

[00:36:50.470]that we did just before.

[00:36:53.390]So we’ve successfully created a new geology model

[00:36:56.720]based on your combination

[00:36:58.470]of tasks and their standard 96 classification in ioGAS,

[00:37:02.600]and we’ve allowed ourself to sub classify

[00:37:06.320]our known geology into new subgroups.

[00:37:09.960]And so this is a way for you to refine your lithology model.

[00:37:13.870]But what another thing that you can do

[00:37:15.808]with the data that you have here,

[00:37:18.200]and this is also dependent on how comfortable you are

[00:37:20.870]with the alteration that you’re looking at

[00:37:23.627]and the processes that you would sort of expect.

[00:37:26.330]But what we are able to do now

[00:37:28.010]is we’re going to do some alteration modeling.

[00:37:31.090]That’s a good place to start for this.

[00:37:32.530]So I’m just going to maybe turn everything off

[00:37:37.225]as I start in Leapfrog Geo,

[00:37:39.050]and I’m just going to look at the assay data

[00:37:42.295]on its own, and I’m going to reset the shapes to default,

[00:37:47.360]and I’m going to turn off the color groups as well.

[00:37:51.060]So we’re just basically going to start from scratch.

[00:37:53.850]We have already backed like this as a new information

[00:37:56.810]column in ioGAS, or you can always go back to it

[00:37:59.300]without any fear of having to repeat the process again.

[00:38:02.650]So it’s already safe as a categorical column

[00:38:05.180]in ioGAS so you can always go back to it.

[00:38:08.540]So we already have the information present somewhere.

[00:38:11.160]So what we can do now

[00:38:12.740]is I’m going to open an alteration boxplot.

[00:38:18.450]So this sort of diagram, as you can see here,

[00:38:22.170]it consists of two axis

[00:38:24.180]the alteration index, Ishikawa Alteration Index,

[00:38:27.000]versus the chloride carbonate pyrite index or CCPI.

[00:38:31.180]So the alteration box plot was developed specifically

[00:38:34.650]for the study of alteration associated with VHMS systems.

[00:38:39.250]And even though it’s used for that purpose,

[00:38:40.940]and while they’re not certain that we are looking

[00:38:44.220]at a VMS deposit here,

[00:38:46.490]we can use the processes that are presented

[00:38:49.470]in this sort of diagram as a starting point.

[00:38:53.050]So by no means we should take the information that’s present

[00:38:56.470]in this as the gospel,

[00:39:00.825]or as a silver bullet, to let you know

[00:39:03.650]if you’re looking at this sort

[00:39:04.690]of alteration type, but it’s a good place

[00:39:07.400]to start, and why is it a good place to start?

[00:39:09.770]And it’s because in this diagram,

[00:39:12.700]which consists of the AI and CCPI axes.

[00:39:17.390]So the X axis represents a loss of sodium and calcium

[00:39:22.760]and gain of potassium and magnesium within this index.

[00:39:26.750]So that’s represented by the development of muscovite

[00:39:29.927]and chloride from alteration of sodic plagioclase.

[00:39:33.540]And Y axis CCPI is constructed

[00:39:36.262]in a way that it represents an increase

[00:39:39.080]of magnesium and FEO related to core development.

[00:39:42.960]So it allows you to separate out

[00:39:44.900]between muscovite and chloride development.

[00:39:47.360]And if you’re aware of that sort

[00:39:48.660]of processes, and the fact that we’ve labeled the nodes

[00:39:52.560]that corresponds to development of this mineral.

[00:39:54.710]So you can see on the right here,

[00:39:56.520]you have IL for elite, and you have here AB for albite

[00:40:00.520]and CHL at a top for chloride.

[00:40:03.110]So as long as you’re aware that this diagram represents

[00:40:06.320]the development of that assemblage of minerals,

[00:40:09.720]and you’re familiar and comfortable with that process,

[00:40:14.370]you’re able to use this sort of diagram to start thinking

[00:40:18.330]about how you can model alteration in your data.

[00:40:22.020]And the reason why I do this is because it’s a quick

[00:40:25.820]and easy way of coloring your data points automatically

[00:40:29.499]based on where they plot here.

[00:40:31.370]So if we find, we managed to find great success in coloring

[00:40:35.330]where the data points plot within the polygons here,

[00:40:38.090]because the data points that it plots

[00:40:39.730]within three boxes in the middle,

[00:40:42.380]they represent more fresh sort of composition.

[00:40:45.320]So and by fresh, I mean, less altered

[00:40:47.460]than the ones that’s outside of the box.

[00:40:49.930]And we can go one step further.

[00:40:52.150]And if we can assume that there’s little albite development

[00:40:56.120]or epidote sort of mineralization in this rocks.

[00:40:59.160]And basically what we can do is we can expand the field

[00:41:03.330]for the least altered rocks a bit more

[00:41:05.930]to the left hand side,

[00:41:09.550]and then we’re going to do the same thing

[00:41:13.210]with the middle box as well.

[00:41:14.390]So we just colored them up as dacite.

[00:41:19.619]So basically what we’re doing is we’re just expanding

[00:41:23.000]on the least altered classified blocks

[00:41:25.970]into a bigger classification,

[00:41:27.970]because we’re comfortable

[00:41:28.870]in knowing that the rocks had plots here,

[00:41:30.860]that they don’t represent any sort of alteration,

[00:41:32.990]even though they plot outside the least altered boxes.

[00:41:36.360]But we can call these guys

[00:41:39.950]some from hydrothermal alteration.

[00:41:41.950]And one thing to be really careful

[00:41:44.900]about in this is that there’s a certain risk

[00:41:48.820]in looking at this diagram on its own,

[00:41:51.220]because samples that plot higher up on the CCPI access,

[00:41:54.370]for example, because you’re looking

[00:41:56.330]at a ratio of magnesium plus iron over this elements.

[00:42:03.990]And because you’re looking at some mafic rocks in here.

[00:42:06.940]So if you remember just in the first workflow,

[00:42:09.770]we’ve actually identified

[00:42:11.170]that some of these rocks actually correspond

[00:42:12.890]to the basaltic composition.

[00:42:15.570]And what it means is that while it’s plotting up

[00:42:18.860]in a hydrothermally altered field,

[00:42:20.770]they may not represent hydrothermal alteration,

[00:42:24.990]they just represent a more mafic variant in your data point.

[00:42:29.330]So samples that actually represent more mafic composition

[00:42:33.610]with the higher FEO and magnesium amount.

[00:42:38.922]So what’s the takeaway here?

[00:42:41.000]The takeaway is that we recommend using this sort

[00:42:43.290]of diagram in conjunction with molar element ratio diagrams

[00:42:47.700]to identify processes more closely.

[00:42:50.370]What I’m going to do now is I’m going

[00:42:53.110]to just keep this open here

[00:42:55.520]and I’m going to open a general element ratio diagram.

[00:42:59.660]So I’m going to start with this ratio

[00:43:02.290]of sodium over aluminum versus potassium over aluminum.

[00:43:07.780]So if you’re not familiar with molar element ratio diagrams,

[00:43:12.380]basically if you remember stoichiometric composition

[00:43:17.490]of muscovite and all your feldspar minerals,

[00:43:21.980]you know that this sort

[00:43:23.560]of diagram represents that ratio of say

[00:43:29.935]sodium over aluminum and albite,

[00:43:32.260]and then ratio of say potassium

[00:43:34.170]to aluminum and muscovite which is 0.33.

[00:43:37.440]So you’re using the stoichiometric composition

[00:43:40.330]to define where the nodes,

[00:43:43.090]these dots sort of sit in this sort of diagram.

[00:43:45.613]And you’re able to use this

[00:43:48.050]in conjunction with our known composition in ioGAS.

[00:43:53.110]So what we provide within ioGAS

[00:43:55.380]is a way to plot say known composition

[00:43:58.740]of sheet silica stoichiometric composition.

[00:44:02.100]So you have an option of selecting from chloride

[00:44:04.900]and muscovite and all of your clay minerals composition here

[00:44:09.910]that would be familiar to you

[00:44:12.060]in this sort of alteration setting.

[00:44:14.980]So if we just turn everything on here

[00:44:19.955]and then seeing where they plot in this of diagram,

[00:44:23.595]and you can see that the muscovite node

[00:44:27.950]sort of sits here and here.

[00:44:29.800]So this is a way for you to basically see the processes

[00:44:33.440]that you would expect to see in a sort

[00:44:34.980]of rock soil, it’s overlapping here, but you basically,

[00:44:37.260]you have a bunch of chloride composition that sits here.

[00:44:40.280]So what can we tell basically from this diagram?

[00:44:44.250]Basically, we’re seeing

[00:44:46.910]how we can further subdivide the rocks

[00:44:50.423]that were logged as hydrothermal into a way

[00:44:58.915]that’s more easier to understand and more useful to us.

[00:45:03.270]And the way we’ve done that is we’ve created

[00:45:05.370]new color groups based on where they plot.

[00:45:07.540]So I’m just going to show you a very quick example

[00:45:10.260]before we move on, so I’m going to basically set everything

[00:45:16.048]to invisible except for the hydrothermal altered rocks.

[00:45:21.360]And then I’m going to create a new color group.

[00:45:31.400]Now I’m just going to create a new color group

[00:45:32.840]for intense muscovite alteration.

[00:45:35.100]And I’m going to label the rocks

[00:45:38.730]that are here as a new color group,

[00:45:41.820]and I’m going to create a new color group

[00:45:46.968]for chloride alteration.

[00:45:53.060]So this is a way for you to basically sub-divide

[00:45:58.040]your classification a bit more, right?

[00:46:01.256]And so I’ve done this process a bit manually before,

[00:46:04.760]so I’m just going to jump through,

[00:46:06.260]I’m just going to cheat a bit

[00:46:07.980]and I’m going to author attribute by what I’ve done.

[00:46:11.780]And so basically,

[00:46:14.051]I’ve done this process over the entire dataset

[00:46:18.410]just before this webinar,

[00:46:20.150]but basically this is the shortcut that I did

[00:46:22.110]’cause I’ve already done this.

[00:46:23.177]So the sort of process involved was knowing

[00:46:26.470]that you’re looking at a range

[00:46:29.090]of alteration from sodium plagioclase to a more,

[00:46:33.295]your sodium plagioclase composition

[00:46:36.210]would plot somewhere here.

[00:46:37.660]And then you would see a pattern

[00:46:38.820]that leads them to be more altered towards here.

[00:46:41.860]And you see a development of chloride here.

[00:46:43.970]And you see sort of like the in-between zone

[00:46:46.550]so with the slight muscovite alteration,

[00:46:49.030]as opposed to intense muscovite alteration

[00:46:51.720]and slight colorization, sort of like that halfway point

[00:46:55.530]between more fresh composition and this one.

[00:46:59.050]And it’s important to know exactly

[00:47:01.880]what processes that you’re looking at

[00:47:04.400]because as I’ve tried to do here

[00:47:06.560]is I have managed to redefine the alteration process

[00:47:11.300]for the least altered ones.

[00:47:13.120]And you can see that the least altered rocks

[00:47:15.470]that are identified in the alteration boxplot,

[00:47:19.350]that when you bring them up,

[00:47:22.390]that they actually belong in three boxes,

[00:47:25.760]and that’s why they’re resulting in three color groups

[00:47:29.790]and because of that, they were presented

[00:47:31.910]in our fairing CCPI amount

[00:47:33.740]because of that mafic to felsic gradient.

[00:47:36.900]And it’s also represented to some extent in the X axis here.

[00:47:40.640]So it’s important to know the processes

[00:47:42.403]that you’re looking at and by applying large scale

[00:47:46.210]sort of alteration modeling to this

[00:47:48.890]based on the mineralogy of what you’re expecting to see.

[00:47:52.600]And I’m plotting them up as color groups

[00:47:55.595]within ioGAS, and then sub-dividing it as such based

[00:47:59.105]on your known, the minerals that you would expect to see,

[00:48:01.565]and then just doing the same as before.

[00:48:03.630]So just creating a new color group based on this.

[00:48:08.850]And I didn’t show this in the first workflow,

[00:48:09.947]but I’m just going to do it now.

[00:48:12.360]So I’m going to create a new color group

[00:48:14.000]and that’s going to be created

[00:48:15.910]as a new text column within ioGAS

[00:48:17.790]and within Leapfrog Geo, it’s going

[00:48:19.710]to be reflected under the assay tab once that’s done.

[00:48:23.430]And basically that allows you to create alteration model

[00:48:28.800]within Leapfrog Geo.

[00:48:30.420]And just one thing before we proceed.

[00:48:35.180]So just while on that subject,

[00:48:38.440]the alteration boxplot, the total FE alteration boxplot.

[00:48:42.640]You see that your at least altered rocks are plotting

[00:48:44.890]in the three boxes in the middle.

[00:48:46.700]And this is why it’s important

[00:48:49.205]to know that you will need

[00:48:50.440]to always look at this, not just on their own.

[00:48:54.940]So you’ll need to know why they’re different on the Y axis.

[00:48:59.910]And if you plot up your CCPI versus your SIO2 value,

[00:49:05.100]what’s actually interesting

[00:49:08.950]is that it varies with the silica

[00:49:12.310]that you’re looking at here.

[00:49:14.890]So it’s important to know

[00:49:16.900]that the variation in your CCPI is actually controlled,

[00:49:20.180]not just from the value

[00:49:22.260]of the numerator and denominator of the index,

[00:49:26.470]but also by other elements that might affect that as well.

[00:49:29.900]You’re looking at this

[00:49:30.840]in conjunction with your local lithology,

[00:49:36.150]or for example, by the task classification,

[00:49:40.860]you’re able to sort of see what’s actually happening here,

[00:49:44.320]so you can change the shape to the task classification

[00:49:48.530]that we did in workflow one,

[00:49:50.750]and you plot them with alteration modeling

[00:49:52.950]and you basically allow yourself

[00:49:55.310]to infer certain processes

[00:49:57.624]based on what you’ve already done so far.

[00:49:59.530]So it’s important not

[00:50:00.620]to just look at these diagrams on their own

[00:50:03.700]or these plots on their own, but using the various tools

[00:50:07.895]that we have in ioGAS, looking at them in conjunction

[00:50:10.110]with one another, to reach a certain conclusion,

[00:50:13.030]and that is the alteration modeling that we came up with.

[00:50:16.570]As that’s already being like back flagged into Leapfrog Geo

[00:50:20.270]as a new column under the assay table here,

[00:50:25.190]Allan can create a new geology model

[00:50:27.910]based on this new back flag information.

[00:50:30.310]So over to you Allan, thank you.

[00:50:32.653]<v Allan>Thank you Putra.</v>

[00:50:33.610]Back to Leapfrog Geo.

[00:50:35.990]This is where you can find the back flag alteration modeling

[00:50:40.870]in Leapfrog Geo, so I’m just going to highlight,

[00:50:43.320]just click on the edit colors menu in here.

[00:50:46.710]This is where you can see the chlorination occurs,

[00:50:51.900]intense muscovite alteration,

[00:50:54.930]and this are your less altered alteration.

[00:50:59.810]You’ve got light chloride alteration

[00:51:01.490]in here, and you also have the muscovite alteration.

[00:51:04.510]Just going to click okay.

[00:51:06.434]I got to go through back to my save scenes.

[00:51:10.220]First is in order to model this because the nature

[00:51:13.550]of the alteration is a bit layered complex as well.

[00:51:17.020]And what we need to do

[00:51:18.400]is a bit of a simplification to the alterations.

[00:51:22.900]So what I’ve done is I’ve grouped those lists out,

[00:51:27.730]it became fresh,

[00:51:29.390]and then from fresh to intense muscovite alteration

[00:51:33.190]as well is one group, the chloride alteration is one group,

[00:51:36.630]as well as the moderate muscovite alteration

[00:51:39.100]is also one group.

[00:51:40.870]So it’s going to show you this.

[00:51:44.710]This is now the model,

[00:51:46.850]the fresh to intense muscovite alteration.

[00:51:50.270]Secondly, I have the moderately muscovite alteration

[00:51:55.560]at the base of the fresh to intense muscovite alteration.

[00:52:00.220]And lastly, what you have

[00:52:01.750]in here is your chloride alteration.

[00:52:05.270]Generating the output volumes.

[00:52:08.080]We now have the fresh in the background as well.

[00:52:10.640]So again, due to the layering nature

[00:52:14.330]of both of the rocks and alteration, you can see

[00:52:17.200]in here, the alteration output volumes

[00:52:20.450]that was produced is also layered.

[00:52:24.470]Want to slice through on the alteration model now,

[00:52:30.130]just to gain a bit of

[00:52:32.050]an appreciation on how this looks like at various sections.

[00:52:44.080]So again, just to summarize this,

[00:52:46.970]we’ve generated this simple lithology first,

[00:52:50.370]which is displayed on the 3D scene and then

[00:52:57.350]we made a detailed rock classification

[00:52:59.750]on the simple lithology, and then lastly,

[00:53:03.145]we generated an alteration model out of that.

[00:53:07.860]So Leapfrog Geo is a workflow based

[00:53:10.010]3D implicit geological modeling tool,

[00:53:12.190]which allows you to quickly construct models directly

[00:53:15.750]from various sources, including drill holes,

[00:53:18.880]points, and surfaces.

[00:53:21.960]So ioGAS is an exploratory data analysis software

[00:53:25.210]for the detection of patterns, anomalies,

[00:53:28.550]and relationships in your geochemical data.

[00:53:33.150]We can bring data from Leapfrog Geo

[00:53:36.295]to ioGAS, and then back to Leapfrog Geo

[00:53:38.310]through the ioGAS link in the form of points

[00:53:41.260]or interval data.

[00:53:44.118]And then lastly,

[00:53:45.620]rock alteration or mineralization classification

[00:53:48.880]can be established in ioGAS

[00:53:51.160]and viewed and modeled in the Leapfrog Geo.

[00:53:56.620]Thank you so much for your time.

[00:53:58.390]Do you have any questions at this stage?

[00:54:01.874]<v Host>Hi, Allan and Putra, great presentation,</v>

[00:54:05.140]that was fantastic to see the workflows

[00:54:07.340]from Leapfrog to ioGAS and back to Leapfrog again.

[00:54:11.550]We do have a couple of questions from attendees online.

[00:54:16.590]The first question is for Putra,

[00:54:19.335]how can I just predict the type

[00:54:21.690]of mineralization within the dataset?

[00:54:25.000]<v Putra>So ultimately that depends on what you’re trying</v>

[00:54:29.220]to achieve within ioGAS

[00:54:32.607]and it also depends on what data that you have.

[00:54:36.170]So if you’re looking at purely at geochemical data

[00:54:40.710]with some information about

[00:54:42.890]what interval corresponds to what sort of mineralization,

[00:54:46.100]you’re sort of halfway there in terms of determining

[00:54:50.235]what mineralization is present within your data.

[00:54:53.340]Generally, it’s a very GIS type approach

[00:54:56.110]in that the more, like the more you can be certain

[00:54:59.290]about the interpretation that you come up with.

[00:55:02.260]But also in terms of what we can do

[00:55:05.455]in ioGAS, our classification diagrams will allow you

[00:55:08.940]to see if you’re within the ballpark

[00:55:11.600]of a certain prospective rock type.

[00:55:14.610]So one of the diagrams that we came up with

[00:55:18.080]quite recently is a Scott Haley diagram,

[00:55:21.850]just using a ratio of a couple of immobile elements

[00:55:25.570]in porphyry exploration.

[00:55:27.720]So that’s looking at a ratio

[00:55:29.995]of vanadium over scandium versus scandium.

[00:55:33.890]And that’s a really good way of determining if your data

[00:55:37.730]is situated within perspective porphyry copper field.

[00:55:42.200]So that’s just one example.

[00:55:44.470]And as I was showing in the presentation,

[00:55:46.160]we have a library of mineral composition

[00:55:50.710]and composition of known deposits, famous deposits.

[00:55:56.720]So those are the ones that Carl Brohart collated

[00:56:00.500]in his Austin ACA dataset,

[00:56:03.610]which we have implemented into ioGAS as a library.

[00:56:07.760]So it’s a library of known composition of type deposits,

[00:56:11.090]so famous deposits within certain deposit types.

[00:56:14.310]So say if you, for example,

[00:56:15.410]you’re exploring for IOCG type deposit and you have a sample

[00:56:20.700]that you think would be within the ballpark

[00:56:23.370]of let’s say an Olympic type deposit,

[00:56:27.680]and you can check if your data

[00:56:30.180]is plotting within that ballpark, within that range.

[00:56:33.790]So that’s one way of looking at it.

[00:56:35.510]But it’s always a good idea to have more info,

[00:56:39.620]so you plot your geochemical data

[00:56:43.830]in diagrams in ioGAS and you display out information,

[00:56:47.830]such as rock type and that sort of thing.

[00:56:50.250]If we have time, I might be able to share my screen

[00:56:54.440]and just show a few other things,

[00:56:56.970]but we’ll leave it up to another couple

[00:57:00.340]of questions before doing that, if that all right.

[00:57:02.930]<v Host>Thanks Putra, great answer.</v>

[00:57:05.170]This next question is for Allan.

[00:57:07.970]So can I use point data such as my surface samples

[00:57:11.960]in the same workflow that you just presented today?

[00:57:15.750]<v Allan>Thank you so much</v>

[00:57:16.988]for the question, very interesting question.

[00:57:18.990]So yes, you can.

[00:57:20.360]So if you have surface samples

[00:57:22.120]with multi-element geochemistry,

[00:57:24.510]similar to what we have in the drill holes.

[00:57:26.800]So you can use this.

[00:57:28.630]Actually, I’ve dealt with a previous project

[00:57:32.960]from one of our clients, and they’ve got soil samples

[00:57:38.020]and we have their multi elementary chemistry,

[00:57:40.670]and we were able to determine perspective areas

[00:57:45.080]through that particular data.

[00:57:47.720]<v Host>Thanks, Allan.</v>

[00:57:49.320]Next question is for Putra,

[00:57:51.680]is there a recommendation you have

[00:57:53.240]for the number of elements required for workflow like this,

[00:57:56.810]do we need 33 as in the example that you used today?

[00:58:02.000]<v Putra>So look in terms of elements,</v>

[00:58:03.870]it’s really not how much elements you have analyzed,

[00:58:07.990]even though that could be nice,

[00:58:09.610]but it’s also how they’re analyzed,

[00:58:12.790]and with the certain analytical methods that’s required

[00:58:16.520]to get the best out of your data.

[00:58:19.370]I guess the answer to that is pretty broad,

[00:58:22.155]but having a full list of 33 elements,

[00:58:29.500]having high quality, less of 20 something elements

[00:58:33.610]versus 60 element dataset,

[00:58:36.310]that’s analyze using the lowest cost analytical method.

[00:58:40.040]It might be better to go

[00:58:41.190]with ones that are more high quality.

[00:58:43.850]And I think it’s always good

[00:58:45.510]to emphasize that it’s preferable

[00:58:48.170]to know what you’re trying to look for,

[00:58:50.140]so what alteration assemblage,

[00:58:52.700]what lithology and what face of alteration

[00:58:57.400]or lithology that you’re expecting in your data

[00:59:00.830]and that sort of determines how many elements you need,

[00:59:03.800]what elements you need to look out for,

[00:59:06.020]and the quality that you want to seek

[00:59:09.450]in your data, because ultimately that will determine

[00:59:12.930]what sort of diagrams, classification diagrams,

[00:59:15.640]and what sort of advanced analytics tools

[00:59:18.600]that you can use in ioGAS.

[00:59:21.640]And of course, if you’re dealing

[00:59:22.940]with historical dataset

[00:59:24.220]as well, you have to bear in mind the sort

[00:59:28.648]of elements that will be advantages

[00:59:31.465]to compliment your historical dataset,

[00:59:34.460]if you’re not re-assaying them, for instance.

[00:59:38.070]So just that sort of thing will be need to keep in mind.

[00:59:43.134]So that’s a long winded answer

[00:59:44.680]to your question, but the short answer is 33 elements,

[00:59:48.800]as long as they’re of good quality,

[00:59:50.440]then you can go far with that, or even less,

[00:59:54.670]especially if they’re of high quality and they’re useful

[00:59:57.410]for the sort of thing you’re looking for.

[01:00:01.490]<v Host>Awesome, thanks Putra.</v>

[01:00:02.860]I have another question here.

[01:00:05.180]What do you find are the most effective alteration tools

[01:00:08.420]when working with meta sediments,

[01:00:10.710]so if you have things like detrital silicates?

[01:00:13.963]That question is for Putra.

[01:00:15.950]<v Putra>So when you’re looking at detrital silicates,</v>

[01:00:18.980]we don’t have a particular diagram that’ll be quite useful

[01:00:23.250]so that even though we have a bit of sort of like

[01:00:27.480]some more weathering trend sort of alteration diagrams.

[01:00:31.690]So if you’re familiar with the ACNK sort of diagram,

[01:00:37.575]they may be useful for what you’re trying to achieve,

[01:00:40.410]but ultimately I think

[01:00:42.313]if you’re working with meta sediments

[01:00:44.820]and looking at, which include detrital silicates,

[01:00:48.100]you probably will do well with just plotting them up

[01:00:51.700]in a few scatterplots, in ioGAS and using a combination

[01:00:55.630]of weathering trend alteration diagrams within ioGAS,

[01:00:59.110]so within that folder and just exploring what sort

[01:01:01.660]of works with your data and seeing if things are plotting

[01:01:04.120]where you expect them to be.

[01:01:06.280]<v Host>Awesome, thanks Putra.</v>

[01:01:07.133]So this is question based on your experience,

[01:01:10.070]for both Allan and Putra,

[01:01:12.110]that if you had different classifications

[01:01:14.140]based on lithology and geochemistry,

[01:01:16.590]like we saw a little bit in today’s workflow,

[01:01:19.490]what are your best options for evaluating

[01:01:21.700]which classification has more confidence?

[01:01:25.540]<v Putra>So I can start with this one, Allan.</v>

[01:01:27.780]So I guess based on next experience,

[01:01:29.220]just if you’re looking at just purely geochemical data,

[01:01:34.620]and if you’re trying to reconcile

[01:01:36.795]between what one diagram says and what your geology says,

[01:01:40.940]it’s always a good idea to step outside the circle

[01:01:43.860]and sort of think outside the box

[01:01:45.610]on what sort of other data that you can put in.

[01:01:49.810]And even though it doesn’t directly answer your question,

[01:01:51.630]but it’s always a good idea

[01:01:53.900]to add things like the spectral data

[01:01:57.120]from Osiris for example, and if you use that in conjunction

[01:02:00.360]with the workload that we presented here today,

[01:02:02.350]to be more certain of what you’re looking for,

[01:02:06.130]because ultimately, what we presented here today,

[01:02:09.010]so for example with the sodium

[01:02:11.489]over aluminum versus potassium over aluminum

[01:02:14.870]molar element ratio diagram,

[01:02:16.640]it’s not a silver bullet to sort of

[01:02:20.050]indicate the sort of alteration that you will see.

[01:02:22.440]So for example, and as status said, there’s no information

[01:02:25.560]in the file was of alteration is present.

[01:02:28.260]If I can just quickly share my screen.

[01:02:30.440]So in ioGAS we’re able

[01:02:31.980]to basically display a label right next to each data point.

[01:02:40.330]Basically, if I can show item labels.

[01:02:43.360]So each of the rock type here

[01:02:45.640]in each of the data point has been logged visually

[01:02:48.370]in the field, so what I’ve classified as prioritize rocks,

[01:02:55.510]and when you zoom into these data points a bit,

[01:02:57.990]and you see how they’re classified

[01:03:00.715]in the field, chloretic mafic flow.

[01:03:02.620]So that’s what they’re classified

[01:03:04.170]as chloride carbonate altered basalt

[01:03:07.740]and chloride carbonate shears, chloride porphyry.

[01:03:13.580]So it’s this sort of thing

[01:03:15.480]where you’re reconciling your log alteration

[01:03:19.580]with the alteration modeling

[01:03:21.480]that you’ve identified through this sort of diagrams.

[01:03:23.920]And if you move up a bit

[01:03:25.320]into the sericite alteration field,

[01:03:27.330]you see that it’s quite consistent

[01:03:29.550]with what we’ve identified

[01:03:30.990]using our geochemical classification.

[01:03:33.100]So you got your sericite chloride quartz porphyry

[01:03:37.880]and sericite altered quartz porphyry again,

[01:03:40.740]and sericite quartz,

[01:03:42.500]and a few other samples that’s classified

[01:03:45.180]as sericite altered.

[01:03:46.900]So if you want to be certain

[01:03:49.170]that you’re looking at the same thing,

[01:03:51.890]it’s always a good idea to first bring it back

[01:03:54.840]to your geology, so that’s number one.

[01:03:57.590]And number two is you want to use a combination

[01:04:01.630]of not just one molar element ratio.

[01:04:05.910]So say you can also plot things up

[01:04:07.980]in a chloride molar element ratio diagram.

[01:04:12.310]So this is a way to separate out

[01:04:15.380]between your muscovite from chloride alteration.

[01:04:18.180]And you can see that in a tie line

[01:04:19.710]between muscovite and chloride you have some samples

[01:04:22.300]to exhibit sort of that halfway point

[01:04:24.200]between chloride and muscovitic composition.

[01:04:27.740]And of course you can update this classification, right?

[01:04:31.210]So this is an interesting one.

[01:04:32.270]So you have a couple of samples here

[01:04:35.450]that’s classified as sericite chloride quartz porphyry,

[01:04:38.140]and chloride carbonate sericite,

[01:04:39.990]that’s sort of in a tie line between muscovite and chloride.

[01:04:43.410]And linking it back to log geology and using a combination

[01:04:46.800]of not just one molar element ratio diagram,

[01:04:50.160]but using multiple molar element ratio diagrams,

[01:04:52.910]you’re able to identify processes,

[01:04:55.970]and then you can refine your classification more

[01:04:58.250]and then seeing them being reflected

[01:05:00.100]in different geo and real-time

[01:05:01.650]and update your alteration modeling in real-time as well.

[01:05:05.320]So that’s how you can reconcile

[01:05:07.140]sort of your different classification that exist,

[01:05:10.210]but it’s always a good idea to not just use one diagram,

[01:05:13.080]just have to use multiple and use your best judgment.

[01:05:16.440]And ioGAS is easy to use

[01:05:19.510]in terms of applying colored groups and that sort of thing,

[01:05:23.060]which means what you interpret is reflected visually

[01:05:27.760]in real-time instantaneously, in fact.

[01:05:32.060]<v Allan>Just adding to what Putra is saying,</v>

[01:05:35.450]you need to have at least the four ingredients

[01:05:38.460]in order to make your best judgment.

[01:05:42.930]The four Gs are actually your GIS data

[01:05:46.280]where it lies in 3D space.

[01:05:50.740]I need to consider also the logging,

[01:05:54.830]the logging, the mapping, and also the geochem data as well.

[01:06:00.560]If you’ve got multi element and geochem data, sewer data

[01:06:04.860]as well, in terms of geophysics,

[01:06:09.067]you need to combine it with the magnetics, gravity, IP, EM.

[01:06:13.670]So aside from having robust geochemical data,

[01:06:18.810]you need to basically,

[01:06:21.030]in order to classify this more confidently,

[01:06:23.850]you need to combine this together

[01:06:25.130]with all the other ingredients such

[01:06:26.810]as geology, geophysics, and GIS data.

[01:06:30.410]<v Host>Thanks, Allen and Putra, those are great responses.</v>

[01:06:33.310]That’s all the questions we have time for today.

[01:06:36.320]<v Putra>And lastly, if you want</v>

[01:06:37.260]to get in touch with the Seequent support team,

[01:06:41.110]please get in touch with us through [email protected],

[01:06:45.230]or if you want to get in touch with the ioGAS team,

[01:06:48.620]if you want to learn more about ioGAS, you can get

[01:06:51.420]in touch with them through their global help desk,

[01:06:55.210]which is under

[01:07:00.690]Again, thank you so much for your time.

[01:07:02.830]I hope to see you all soon again

[01:07:04.610]to our future technical Tuesday webinars.

[01:07:07.540]Thank you so much.

[01:07:09.280]<v Allan>Thanks, everyone.</v>