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I need to colour my output volume by thickness.


Currently only the Vein surface allows for direct thickness colouration. This is a workaround to apply a approximate thickness for any surface.

In the example below we’ll be using Leapfrog Geo, but it will work with any Leapfrog version.

  1. Take your surface and extract the Thickness grid with an appropriate spacing (10×10 in this example).
  2. Import the grid as 2D grids (in Geophysics folder), you can now access the numerical data of the thickness grid (Band 1)
  3. Set elevation on the grid to your surface / topography (in this example the topography was used)
  4. Run a RBF Interpolant with the grid values and inside the original volume.
  5. Change the RBF Interpolant settings;
    1. Remove the Output volumes (you don’t need the volumes to be created)
    2. Change the Range to basically your grid spacing (avoids to much smoothing), your settings may vary.
    3. Depending on the geometry of the surface the trend may also need to be adjusted.
  6. Evaluate on the Original Volume.


Resulting example with 2D grid as points and evaluated output volume:


Example as block model blocks:


  • This works best on volumes that are not overlapping in any way.
  • This can also be done partly using Sub Block Models with variable Z height, depending on the orientation. It is also depending on the calculations and filters being active on the license.
    • or as an export to input in the above workflow.

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