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I have a large dataset of drillholes and I would like to use Leapfrog’s query filter to only view a specific group. The drillholes I would like to view are not in any numeric order. The data I want to filter is large and manually typing each collar ID would take a long time. I have a list of the drillhole data within a Microsoft Excel document.

With a couple of modifications in Microsoft Excel, you will be able to copy the collar ID’s into a query filter within Leapfrog. The following methodology assumes that your data is listed down the same column

Step 1. Add commas and apostrophes to each cell

I have demonstrated how this can be done quickly for each cell by writing the formula =”‘”&CELLNAME&”‘, ”  (Please note there there is a space after the last comma). For example:

You can then drag that formula down each of your Hole ID’s

Step 2. Combine all names into one cell

To do this, we will use the Concat function in excel to put all the text into one cell. the formula for this is =CONCAT(……..). Below is an example of how this is done:

One you have done this function, you will see that all of the text has been copied into a single cell.

Step 2. Copy into Leapfrog

Once you have the cell with containing all the hole id’s, you can then copy this into a query filter.  Right click on Collar under the project tree and select “New Filter”. When the window pops up, give the filter a desired name. You can then type the following under in the white text area:
holeid IN (

After the open bracket, copy the combined text from excel. Once this has done, delete the comma after the last data entry and finish with a closed bracket. It will now look like this:

If you encounter the following error, it is likely caused because you have not deleted the final comma before the closed bracket within leapfrog.

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