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Leapfrog Geothermal release notes

Leapfrog 2022.1 Release Notes

This release of Leapfrog brings a suite of developments across the board to user experience, science and algorithms, performance improvements and increased interoperability.
The latest version includes a reinvigoration of long-standing features such as the well correlation tool, with upgrades based on customer feedback and collaboration.
We’re working to support and improve stakeholder communication, with the addition of contextual labels to block models and wells as well as enhanced layouts and views.
Continued developments include upgrades to existing libraries and restructuring project storage with significant improvements to storage and processing speed.
Once again, you can expect faster workflows with new options for easier interoperability between popular industry software solutions.

Major New Feature Updates

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Well Correlation Improvements

Our popular well correlation tool has seen major improvements to its interface to enhance its appearance and usability. Now you can add custom colourmaps and labels to numeric data, along with smart selection of which data values are visible, minimising unnecessary visual clutter.

It is now possible to customise your column width to maximise screen usage inside the correlation tab. Data within each well can now be filtered as well, enabling you to visualise important data quickly and efficiently, for faster correlation and decision-making within the tab.

Individual wells can be collapsed allowing you to track progress while working, and to ensure you’re looking at the specific data required.

A single formatting dialog now allows you to edit all the columns in a single place and the changes from this dialog are live so you can visually assess the changes made to column formatting.

Further data handling improvements, like interval thickness and log transform for numeric values, make this feature more useful and usable.

The following objects have been improved on the correlation tab:

  • The viewing settings are retained when closing and opening the tab
  • Numeric data can be formatted to display the colourmap defined within the application
  • The data column widths are now adjustable
  • Individual wells can be collapsed (as well as an expand and collapse all toolbar item)
  • The depth axis intervals can be edited to improve snapping behaviour
  • The header information is locked in place
  • Formatting of all columns is done within a single dialog
  • Text labels can be formatted. Numeric and data handling (in terms of overlapping labels) has been improved
  • Numeric data can be log transformed
  • A depth filter is now available, and the ‘apply to all’ setting increases usability
  • Category thickness can now be displayed for lithological or other category data
  • Drilling data can be plotted as true vertical depth as well as downhole depth
  • The Header Title information can now be formatted

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Visualising Block Model Labels in 2D

Expect significant improvements to Leapfrog’s scene visualisation technology with two important enhancements to block models – a 2D slice mode and the ability to have multiple display labels of blocks.

Blocks can be filled or have an outline, have one or many labels with independent colourmaps and a fixed-sized (and in some cases scaled) gap set to visually separate adjacent blocks.

These features are available for Block models and Octree block models, but not sub-blocked models. This feature is only available for Leapfrog Geothermal users with Edge Extension.

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Add Plan View & Master Layout to Sections

We’ve made improvements based on customer feedback to improve workflows involving several serial sections, as well as stand-alone cross-sections.

Now you can create a higher-level template layout that can be applied to all child layouts from the various section types.

In addition, a new ‘Plan View’ is now available for sections; enabling you to access and share site maps to illustrate how they relate to other elements of a site and set the context for the section to be interpreted.

These enhancements give you the ability to complete more of your workflows within Leapfrog. Save time previously spent creating site maps in alternative programs, with added capability for data sharing with external stakeholders.

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MODFLOW: 2.5D USG Support

Introducing a new, intuitive and interactive way to create quality 2.5D unstructured MODFLOW grids. Now you can define boundary conditions based on features within the model (wells, rivers, faults) and either 2D unstructured, layered grids or fully unstructured grids.

We’ve built deeper interoperability into this release, with new ways to share and consume data between packages, bringing further workflow enhancements.

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TOUGH – Support for Dual Porosity Using MINC

Geothermal now supports dual porosity for TOUGH models using the MINC method, enabling you to better handle thin fractures.

With the addition of two sets of co-located grid blocks, one for the matrix and another for the fracture, you now have the capability to create more accurate models.

Other Feature Updates

Enforced Project Backup and Improved Compression

In very rare circumstances, an issue is identified in a new release that requires those affected to revert to working in an earlier version of Leapfrog until it is fixed. For this reason, a new workflow for opening and upgrading projects has been introduced that requires a backup of the project to be saved before upgrading.

We have made improvements to the backup process to make it quicker and easier for you to do this.

These improvements are:

  • Use a more efficient compression tool, and
  • The option to back up the project without its modelling calculations, which reduces the time taken to create the backup and the size of the backup.

For projects created in versions of Leapfrog before November 2016, there will not be an unprocessed option.

Project Data Storage Improvements

We have further optimised the way in which Leapfrog stores project data – the final part of this work was to improve how category columns were stored on disk, reducing overall project size even more.

Co-ordinates: Project Metadata

We’ve introduced a meta-data field allowing you to specify which project coordinate system is being used in a Leapfrog project.

This new button in the main window status bar will display the current coordinate system, or <No Coordinate System> if it has not been set.

Improve Scene Details Panel

The scene details panel has been redesigned to give an entirely new look and much more control.

The list of items associated with an object, for example evaluations on a block model, now reflects the structure of the project tree and uses the same iconography, making the item you are interested in much quicker to find.

New filtering gives you ultimate control making it possible to hide anything that is not pertinent to the immediate interrogation. And, a ‘quick filter’ icon makes it fast and easy to go between many items and filtered items.

Change of Default Sign-out Dialogue to Release Seat vs Quit

How you sign-out is not consistent when using the keyboard defaults vs a mouse input, causing some to not sign the seat back into the group once finished.

We have changed the default keyboard behaviour to be “sign-out” vs “quit” and moved the primary highlighted button in the dialogue box to the right-hand side.

GIS Draping Behaviour

Previously, all GIS data objects in a project would be automatically draped onto the topography – this behaviour has been changed. Now, the user decides which objects are draped, and when.

In addition, it’s possible to select multiple objects and drape or remove them all at once.

KORE Spector Geo (by Kore Geosystems) Integration

Using the core photo link functionality, you now have the option to connect to KORE Spector Geo Link (by Kore GeoSystems).

When connected, you can select an interval in the 3D scene, click on the link in the scene details panel and open the core imagery for that interval in the Spector Geo application.

Improved Labels for Drilling

Groundwork completed for labelling block models has enabled more flexible use of labels on drilling data in the 3D scene. Previously, labels could only carry the colouring of the attribute displayed in the drilling. This limited the interpretation capacity of the information. Now, well labels can display multiple independent colormaps as well as a flat colour of your choice.

Evaluate Grouped Mesh on Interval Tables

Once you have combined volumes into a Grouped Mesh, you can now use the “Evaluated Column” option to evaluate the outputs as a column on an interval table.

New Columns for Downhole Point Values and Planar Structural Data

“New Column” functionality, e.g., new category selection, category from numeric, evaluated column and evaluated category column, have been extended to downhole Point Values and Planar Structural Data.

This means query filters can now be created directly on the evaluated columns as well as increasing the usability of these data in general.

Import New Column via acQuire Database

After the main body of work to improve acQuire workflows was completed for 2021.2, we received strong feedback about the inability to import additional columns into an existing Leapfrog project.

Therefore, we’ve extended the functionality for acQuire well caches to allow you to update the existing acQuire selection. Now you can add additional columns from their acQuire database, while preserving all existing input/output relationships.

Publish Geophysical Grids to Central and Import from Data Room

Geophysical Grids can now be published to and viewed in Central. Additionally, these can be imported into Leapfrog via Central Data Room.

Export Geophysical Grids and Block Models in *.geosoft_voxel Format

To aid interoperability, we have also added the ability to export Geophysical Grids and regular Block Models in the *.geosoft_voxel format.

Add User Datum Dialogue to 2D SEG-Y Import

Currently when you import a SEG-Y file, the default “first sample at” is correct for Time but wrong for Depth. This results in the file coming in at 0, despite having a valid elevation.

This release adds a Reference Datum option for importing 2D files similar to that for importing 3D files. Removing the level of inputs to import the correct data into the correct place with no manipulation.

Geological Model Improvements

Several improvements have been made to the Geological Model.
These include:

  • Changing the base lithology column of a GM
  • Adding legend codes from other tables/columns to the GM lithologies legend
  • Copy surfaces. Deposit, erosion, intrusion and veins surfaces can all be copied, allowing easy experimentation with parametric choices and comparison of the effect
  • Copy veins systems
  • Copy veins in to and out of vein systems
  • Set the boundary filter at the GM level. Previously this needed to be set for each object. Now, a default boundary filter behaviour can be set for the GM and inherited by downstream objects, or over-ridden if desired.

Please note, some of these features will be of more use to new GMs and new projects. For existing GMs and projects, you should test changes (by making a copy of the GM) before committing operations such as changing the base column and adding, removing or changing legend codes. These changes can influence surfaces and output volumes and should be done with extreme care.

Import Variogram Model from Central Data Room

We’ve extended our capability in Leapfrog to import variograms from Central. This enables variograms to be imported and reloaded from the project history or the Central Data Room.

This new capability enables streamlined workflows with the Edge extension ensuring that all your estimators are using the correct variography.

This feature is only available for Leapfrog Geothermal users with Edge Extension.

New Estimation Outputs

With several new outputs now added to the Outputs tab for estimators such as NDh, MinAD, and AvgAD, you have greater flexibility when reporting and can determine with more precision whether an estimation is ‘well informed’ or ‘poorly informed’.

Additionally, between block and within block variance have been added to the properties of an estimate when evaluated onto a block model.

This feature is only available for Leapfrog Geothermal users with Edge Extension.

FEFLOW 2D Grid Import

Feedback from some of our FEFLOW users led us to bring back the functionality to Import a 2D FEFLOW Grid and create a 3D grid in Leapfrog using the imported 2D Grid. Through an existing option (Import ASCII Fern Model) now you can import a 2D and a 3D FEFLOW Grid.

A new option (New Model from 2D Model) allows you to create a 3D FEFLOW grid from an imported 2D FEFLOW Grid.

Addition of Date / Time Column Support to Block Models

The addition of date/time columns to block models allows you to associate blocks with a date/time, allowing for basic temporal filtering.

One such use case is using this for reconciliation reporting.

This feature is only available for Leapfrog Geothermal users with Edge Extension.

Export/Import Surpac *.mdl Format

Our customers have a strong need to easily and seamlessly transfer block models to other mine planning software.

We already support exporting regularised Block Models to two versions of the Surpac *.mdl format, and we have expanded that to allow for Octree Models to also be exported to these same formats.

Additionally, we added support for importing the same two versions that we currently export from regularised Block Models.

Block Models on Sections

We can now evaluate Block Models on Serial Sections, Long Sections and Alignments. Improvements were made for Block Models inside the layouts (filtering, labels, gaps). Also, it’s now possible to display Block Models with more than 10,000 cells, a limitation for many before.

Leapfrog Geothermal Point Release 2022.1.1

The following issues have been resolved:

click arrow to open
Issue Key Issue Addressed
LF-46268 An issue was resolved concerning editing of ‘search range parameters’ through the Edit Table function of the Estimation Parameter Report. Edits made to search ranges through the table were not being saved correctly and applied to estimators. The issue persisted through closing and re-opening of the Estimation Parameter Table, meaning that actual search ranges applied to estimators could be different to those the user thought they had applied. The issue applies to NN, ID and OK & SK estimates. Note that edits made to search ranges through the Estimation Object are correctly applied and subsequently updated the next time the Estimation Parameter table is opened. The issue does not affect any other parameters edited through the Estimation Parameter Table.
LF-45854 Fixed an issue where grouped lithology columns on combined drillholes would disappear
LF-45897 Fixed a TB on FEFLOW models after upgrading to 2022.1.0
LF-45927 Fixed an issue of not being able to change flat colours on numeric points in drillhole correlation
LF-45956 Fixed an issue when trying to change a column on the GM base table containing duplicated lithologies
LF-46038 Fixed an issue where unprocessed variable orientation objects would not process
LF-46044 Fixed an issue where published project files have mismatches compression and metadata
LF-46047 Fixed a TB when adding MODFLOW models to sections
LF-46050 Fixed a TB when selecting trench option on collars
LF-46285 Fixed a TB while editing interval selections
LF-46304 Fixed a TB when upgrading a project with blended meshes
LF-46333 Fixed an issue when adding labels to composited intervals resulted in inconsistent classification
LF-46367 Fixed a TB when importing Datamine meshes
LF-46368 Fixed an issue where the sliced GM would not be visible
LF-46371 Fixed an issue where text in the scene details was not wrapping
LF-46372 Fixed an issue where astral search (NN) was slow
LF-46388 Fixed a TB when changing the base lithology column
LF-46402 Fixed a TB when changing the base lithology column to <None>
LF-46429 Fixed an issue where the saved scene test did not retain colours
LF-46433 Fixed an issue where blank columns would appear in the value selection for Economic Com-positing
LF-46440 Fixed an issue where interval selections on combined drillhole sets were lost on upgrade from 2021.2.5 only
LF-46447 Fixed a TB on failing upgrade tests
LF-46452 Fixed an issue where ignored drillholes did not automatically adhere to other tables
LF-46459 Fixed a TB when reprocessing older imported octree columns
LF-46466 Fixed an issue where enforced backup occurs on newly downloaded Central Projects
LF-46496 Fixed a TB when using a distance function query filter on new interval tables
LF-46558 Fixed an issue where vein lithology IDs are not updated correctly when lithologies are deleted
LF-46571 Fixed a TB in drillhole correlation when stretching a set
LF-46578 Fixed a TB when clicking on points in the scene with the interrogation tool
LF-46605 Fixed an issue where the user could not scroll out on drillhole correlation
LF-46609 Fixed a TB on project upgrade tests
LF-46625 Fixed an incorrectly reporting TB
LF-46626 Fixed a TB where a point category selection would generate too few results
LF-46630 Fixed an issue when upgrading NN to cope with incorrect samples
LF-46651 Fixed a TB when using new GM lithologies in sections
LF-46702 Fixed a TB when setting structural data category selections to a topography

Major new releases

Single Projects Tab – Phase 2

The second phase of this initiative makes connecting to Central smooth and effortless, particularly if you are working with multiple Central servers. The Central server list and associated features, “go to portal” and “publish”, are now located in a single location which, with a refreshed user interface, makes the Central integration from Leapfrog more intuitive, easier, and quicker to use. Other items that have been changed in this release are:

  • Selecting a central project will connect to the server it comes from (auto-connect)
  • Central Server selection menu relocated alongside user profile at top right corner
  • Projects’ view – now includes the option of grid view
  • Updated styling of the server list

Restricted Objects

You may notice some changes in the availability of objects created in a different Leapfrog product to the one you are working in now. These changes are part of longer-term work related to the delivery of Leapfrog functionality.

If you have any questions, please contact your regional representative.

Drilling improvements

Merged Drillhole Sets

In the previous release (2021.1) a major new change was introduced to Leapfrog with the addition of multiple drillhole sets. This opened significant new workflow opportunities for using data of different types in geological models. However, there were still a few modelling situations where data from the additional drilling data sets could not be included, for example, the vein segments required to build a vein must all come from a single table as must the inputs to domained estimation.

In this release, we are pleased to bring you powerful new functionality to overcome these limitations, by allowing you to combine drillhole sets. This simple process is accessed via the New Combined Drillholes option. Any drillhole sets can be combined, with the user specifying which tables to combine, which value or category fields to map together and the priority order to use when combining.

Evaluated Columns on Interval Tables

Evaluate GM categories directly onto interval tables as a new column then use this as a category in set level statistical analysis. A valuable alternative to the use of back-flagging, as it avoids the issue of small intervals that can be created in back-flagging.

This feature provides a valuable alternative to the use of back-flagged tables for analysis of statistics by category at the drillhole set level.

Currently, to break down an assay table by GM category requires the user to create a back-flag evaluation table and merge this with the assay table. Because GM surfaces are interpolated, there are normally small differences between the exact location of a GM boundary in the back-flagged table and the assay interval boundaries.

This can result in the creation of small intervals that break the original assay intervals and the splitting of originally discrete assay intervals between different categories. While the impact on length weighted statistics is usually minimal, it affects the ‘count’ and length and is the cause of frequent enquiries. By evaluating directly onto the mid-points of intervals, the issue of boundary splitting is eliminated.

acQuire link and Smart Refresh performance

The acQuire Link and Smart Refresh have been improved to allow for faster and more seamless reloading of data.

  • It is now possible to add multiple assay tables during the set-up of an acQuire drillhole selection, in the same way that multiple geology tables could be loaded.
  • acQuire Smart Refresh has been changed to enable you to bypass all the table importer dialogues if no changes are present in the mapping of column names and data types.
  • A validation has been introduced that detects whether the individual interval values returned by acQuire Smart Refresh contain any new data. If no new data is present, the table is not loaded to Leapfrog which means that no reprocessing related to that table needs to occur.

Add Trig and Random Number Generator to Calculations

Standard Trig functions have been added to the calculation engine. These enable orientation data to be used in calculations – for example, planar structural data observations from drillholes or mapping, or the local evaluation of a variable orientation.

For Leapfrog users who want to incorporate trigonometric functions into calculations and incorporate pseudo-random numbers modelling and estimation workflows to simulate variability, validate results and produce synthetic data, without needing to export data to and from MS Excel, which breaks Leapfrog’s dynamic workflows.

Import Well Deviation Files

Leapfrog can now import drilling trajectory data in Petrel deviation file format. The trajectory for each well or drillhole is defined in its own deviation file with x,y,z and measured depth columns (space separated) and a header specifying the well name and the top x,y,z location. There is no requirement to have a dip and azimuth measurement to import and render this drilling data. This increases the level of flexibility of the well importer and allows more pathways for data to be imported into Leapfrog from sources where downhole dip and azimuth are not collected.

Vein Modelling improvements

The Leapfrog vein modelling tool provided a ground-breaking but somewhat inflexible workflow for rapid and repeatable modelling of thin, laterally continuous, gently curved structural geometries such as veins and faults.

A whole suite of changes has now been made, that build on the original design to bring an unprecedented new level of flexibility to this already powerful tool. This work has been ongoing over a couple of development cycles.

  • Vein Organisation in the Project Tree – Mid-points have been made more discoverable by moving them out from under the Reference Surface tab and placing them at the same level as Vein Segments and Mid-points.
  • Mesh From Vein Segment Mid-points – This enables you to create a reference plane with as much complexity as desired, using the advanced editing options available in the meshes folder:
    • Interpolant model type, drift options, sill, nugget and range
    • Trend directions and anisotropy
    • Direct editing with polylines or structural disks
    • Addition of existing points, values, structural data, polylines or GIS vector data
  • Sharing Boundary Polylines Across Veins – Until now, vein boundary polylines had to be created separately for each vein. They could be exported but could not be imported. Much more flexibility has now been added to vein boundaries, by making vein boundary polylines shareable through the polylines folder.
  • Improved pinch-out behaviour – Previously, if a drillhole did not contain valid logging it was ignored for pinch-out creation, meaning vein models passed straight through drillhole traces. An additional control is provided to the user to choose whether the vein should pinch out on an empty trace (a hole where no lithology has been logged) or continue through it.
  • Export/Import of Bulk Vein Edits – it is common that manual editing of vein components is required to produce the vein model you want. Until now, vein edits were only accessible from within thevein model, which made it difficult to recreate a vein from scratch, or even keep a record of edits that had been made. It is now possible to export all user-made vein edits to file, using the Export Vein Edits option on the vein object. This dumps all user made vein edits for segments, midpoints and pinch-outs to a text file.

Central Improvements

Publish Octree and Regular Sub-block Models

Now that we have completed optimisation of the storage underlying our new block model formats, we also publish these models to Central. Both regular and octree block models, along with their evaluations, can now be published for collaboration purposes and web visualisation.

Note: Regular and octree block models will only be visible in Central Portal web visualisation and will not appear in the Central Browser desktop product as this is being phased out.

Publish Imported GM’s

Prior to this release GM’s that were imported from Central into Leapfrog as static GM’s could not be published back to Central. This partly limits Leapfrog <-> Central workflows – in particular the use of imported GM’s to aggregate a final model from separate models that have been split and dispersed into separate ‘working areas.’

You can now publish imported GM’s to Central, removing this limitation and making it possible to view aggregated GM’s in Webviz and available for linked workflows that require the full aggregated GM.

Publish Section Line Work

A key input to Geostudio slope stability models is 2D sectional representations of geology. Cross-sections of three-dimensional Leapfrog geological models can now be published to Central, opening the way for workflow connections into Geostudio slope stability analysis (in development).

Publish Additional Meta Data

Volume attributed objects in Leapfrog (combined models, numeric models, indicator interpolants, distance functions, geological models and refined models and their static variants) now include those attributes when published in Central. This allows those volume attributes to be viewed in Central web visualisation and imported back into Leapfrog.

Proportion weighted resource reports

A new feature has been implemented in Edge resource reports that calculates the proportion of blocks falling inside a reporting volume and uses this proportion to weight the reported tonnage and grade. This ensures that the block model volume reported from within a constraining volume will exactly match the volume of the geometry.

Two temporary columns are written to the block model, storing a category filter and the proportion falling inside the chosen volume. The 3D scene can be filtered by the category filter, displaying only the blocks that meet the filter conditions – providing a quick visual validation.

Slicer Sets

Asymmetric Thick Slice

Many modelling environments require an asymmetric slice through the objects in the 3D scene. For example, in an open-pit mining environment, the modeller will often want to see a certain distance above a bench or flitch height but a different distance below it.

Until now, the thick slice mode of the slicer has been symmetrical. Now, the user can slice asymmetrically, using a different distance back and front of the slice plane.

Slicer Sets

The original Leapfrog slicer revolutionised the navigation of 3D data sets, providing a quick and intuitive way of controlling the visualisation volume using a fluid slicing and sliding motion. Such freedom is invaluable, but in many modelling situations, such as landfills, site remediation or open-pit mining, activity is focussed on pre-defined sets of visualisation planes, which the user needs to be able to return to rapidly.

In this release, we are pleased to bring you a new feature – the ‘slicer set’ – that combine dynamic slicing with pre-defined sets of planes, enabling you quickly, precisely and repeatably locate yourself in space.

Polyline Improvements

General Tool Changes

A new feature has been added to the polyline editor that allows you to ‘snap’ polyline nodes to existing polyline nodes, points, mesh edges or mesh vertices, providing an accurate and predictable way of placing a node. This polyline creation behaviour allows you to be more ‘explicit’ about polyline creation, which is particularly useful when needing to create polylines that interact with engineered structures, such as foundation designs or underground mine openings, or that need to dovetail against existing polylines, such as for creating dig-block outlines.

Extrude Mesh From Closed Polyline

Users have consistently asked for the ability to make simple geometric volumes by triangulation from polylines, without the necessity to create and isosurface an interpolant. Examples include, creating simple foundation geometries, developing ‘cookie cutters’ for clipping solids and the ability to create a dig-block volume from a polyline digitised on a bench surface.

In this release, we are pleased to introduce an easy to use, intuitive new tool allowing users to create mesh volumes by extrusion of polylines.

Octree Model

Add Trig and Random Number Generator to Calculations

For Leapfrog users who want to incorporate trigonometric functions into calculations and incorporate pseudo-random numbers modelling and estimation workflows to simulate variability, validate results and produce synthetic data, without needing to export data to and from MS Excel (which breaks Leapfrog’s dynamic workflows).

Migrate Regular Block Models To N-Tree

In order to harness the performance, functionality and compression that the new octree format allows, regular block models have been converted in the Leapfrog backend to use the octree grid storage structure. The user will see no change to their workflows or data besides benefits from better performance and visualisation, as well as the ability to rotate regular models created in Leapfrog on all three axes which use of the octree structure makes possible.

Storage and Performance Improvements

We have further optimised the new octree block model format to make creating, visualising and processing
octree block models faster as well as reducing Leapfrog project size and improving publishing speeds due to better block model compression.

Enhancement of CSV Sub-Block Importer

A whole raft of improvements has been made to the .csv importer for octree block models making interoperability with Leapfrog easier than ever. The new .csv block model improvements allow regularly sub-divided block models from virtually any external package to be imported, with market-leading ease of use tools such as in-scene visualisation of block centroids, auto-calculated metadata to help guide users, as well as informative messages. Moreover, even if the block model being imported doesn’t perfectly fit a regularly divided octree style structure, it will still import correctly provided the dimensions of the blocks being imported fit within any combination of the minimum defined sub-block size.

  • Up to 5x faster importer of large .csv files!
  • New auto-parsing and filling in of fields for block models exported from Leapfrog.
  • New auto-calculated metadata tab to help guide users on valid settings to enter if they are missing the block model header information.
  • New options to define block model dimensions using number of blocks or extents.
  • New powerful custom rotation settings allowing import of regularly divided block models from virtually any package as well as arbitrary block models if they closely approximate an octree style grid.
  • Support for import of block models with offset rotation origins. Supports model vs. Project centroid space block models.
  • New icons to help visually guide users on the meaning of new settings.
  • Improved warning messages guiding users on which centroids will be imported /will not be imported/don’t match grid definition but can still be imported.

Maintenance improvements

Change Archiver

Current Central (3.0.2, 3.1.1, 4.0) archiver uses Zpaq. The problem is that as files are compressed for storage in Central the process requires the system to have up to 2x the storage capacity of the original files. A more efficient alternative, namely ZSTD, will provide lossless compression. This HTTP compression can be built into web servers and web clients to improve transfer speed and bandwidth utilisation. Existing project data files in Central will not be unpacked during migration, therefore will continue to be Zpaq packed.

Leapfrog Storage Performance Improvements

Significant gains have been made in improving the storage performance of Leapfrog projects.

The biggest improvement comes from changes to the storage format of image files along with the compression of result arrays, while further optimisations have also been made in the storage of octree models.

Reduction in project size will vary a lot from project to project, depending on the types of data stored. Projects containing large or numerous images, or with large octree block models will benefit most – with testing showing 60-90% reductions in size on disk. Not only does this free up valuable disk space but backing up and publishing projects to Central is much faster.

Geophysical Data handling

Rationalise 3D Geophysical Grid Storage

The previous release of Leapfrog has supported geophysical grids in GoCAD, UBC and MT format. However, each was a separate implementation with different visualisation features and performance. Support for these geophysical formats has now been rationalised with consistent importation, evaluation, and visualisation.

All imported grids are now stored in an optimised internal storage with visualisation improvements in performance, transparency, filtering, subsetting and index slicing. The new grid storage paves the way for publishing of grids to Central for web visualisation. This was a step required to better support Oasis montaj Voxels, and for when we complete the publishing Geophysical Grids to Central.

Import 3D Geosoft Voxels From Dataroom

To allow seamless consumption of Oasis Montaj voxels in Leapfrog, which would allow for the support of geophysical data inputs into geological modelling workflows, Leapfrog now can support the importation of Geosoft voxel grids (.geosoft_voxel file format).

Flow Modelling Improvements

Reservior Simulation Model

Oil and gas reservoir simulators used in the geothermal industry include ECLIPSE (Schlumberger) and STARS (CMG/Computer Modelling Group). ECLIPSE dominates the oil & gas market with around 80% or more of the installed user base.

Leapfrog Geothermal now supports the creation of a Reservoir Simulation Model with a corner point grid geometry being constructed from a parent geological model. The grid geometry supports alignment to faults and surfaces. Numeric models of porosity, permeability, etc., created from well/drillhole data, can be evaluated on to the simulation model grid. The model grid definition and associated numeric model evaluations can be visualised in the scene and then exported in either ECLIPSE or CMG format.


In this release a suite of improvements has been made to Leapfrog’s TOUGH flow modelling workflow:

  • A new import dialogue has been provided for TOUGH models combining the specification of input data files into a single step.
  • Support for the TOUGH3 file format has been improved, allowing for import of TOUGH3 time-step data, as well as export of models in CSV format.
  • Handling of fault geometries in models has been improved so that a new rock type is created for each fault/lithology combination. This allows separate rock type properties to be set for each lithological unit in contact with the fault surface.
  • The origin, orientation, grid extent, grid block size and resolution of a Leapfrog structured flow model grid can now be modified, and the associated TOUGH model updated, bringing the behaviour of structured grids into parity with unstructured.
  • Structured TOUGH grids (.dat files) created outside of Leapfrog can now be imported, and the matching grid geometry recreated inside Leapfrog. Some limitations on the grid geometries that can be handled apply.


FEFLOW grid creation has been streamlined with a new wizard that combines the 2D and 3D steps into one. In addition, all grid editing, evaluation and material properties tools have been relocated to a single dialogue on the parent.

Initial contaminant conditions in a FEFLOW model can now be set from numeric models or estimations, using simple workflows for evaluating contaminant concentrations per lithology onto grid centroids or nodes. Prior to this release, estimators couldn’t be used as parameter inputs for initial conditions.


When modelling several contaminants in a project, users want to apply the contaminants to MODFLOW and FEFLOW grids as initial conditions so that the contaminant concentration and location can be simulated through time. Prior to this release, estimators couldn’t be used as parameter inputs for initial conditions.

Numeric models and estimators can now be used to create initial contaminant conditions with the following:

  • Addition of material field to the MODFLOW and FEFLOW material parameter dialogues for Contaminants
  • Per lithology – select a contaminant or numeric model or a constant value input.
  • Export evaluations as initial conditions. Evaluate numeric models and estimators onto centroids and nodes.

Default behaviour changes

Multiple Deviation Drill Planner

A minor modification has been made to the multiple deviation drill hole planner. Previously, the collar position was not displayed until the first segment was created. Now the collar location is shown as soon as it is created. This immediately gives the user the direction the hole is going after each planned section leaving no guesswork or tedious side calculations.

Leapfrog Geothermal Point Release 2021.2

The following issues have been resolved:


click arrow to open
Issue Key Issue Addressed
LF-43557 Fixes an issue with Interval Selections built from Grouped Columns. Customers with
projects in Leapfrog 2021.2.2 should upgrade to this release.
LF-43537 Resolves an issue where projects with broken blocks cannot be published after upgrade. Previously publishing was blind to presence of broken blocks.
LF-43681 Resolves an error when upgrading a Central mesh from 2021.2.2 to 2021.2.3.
LF-43666 Resolves a traceback when upgrading Geo-2.0 projects.
LF-43618 Resolves an issue with retention of source information for meshes reloaded from Dataroom.
LF-43599 Resolves an issue with flat section mesh projections not publishing correctly.
LF-43598 Resolves an issue with interval tables exported from multi-deviation planning tool.
LF-43587 Resolves an issue with duplication of face dip values on upgrade of meshes from Central.
LF-43568 Resolves an specifc issue with missing filters that causing project upgrade to fail.
LF-43543 Resolves an issue with the display of values in the interface of the multi-deviation drilling tool.
LF-43569 Resolves an issue when publishing projects that contain errors to Central.
LF-43458 Resolves an issue with upgrading of old points tables.
LF-43414 Resolves a traceback occurring on merged drilling tables.
LF-43247 Resolves a path error in serialisation.
LF-43245 Resolves an issue occuring when Central licence requests are made with an invalid token.
LF-43239 Fixes an issue with Central projects tab.
LF-42971 Resolves a specific issue with evaluated columns (new functionality).
LF-42957 Resolves a traceback from duplicate lithologies in an interpretation table.
LF-43248 Fixed an upgrade issue on projects that originated in V4.5 or older
LF-43695 Fixed an issue where project images were corrupted on upgrade
LF-43720 Resolved an issue when setting GIS elevations on surfaces
LF-43819 Resolved a display issue on object user not entitled for but fully processed
LF-43901 Fixed a UI issue where Nothing and Easting columns were swapped on the directional Well Planner
LF-43903 Fixed an upgrade step on meshes used in merged locations
LF-43912 Fixed an import issue on Block Models when importing via .TXT
LF-43921 Resolved a Traceback on meshes
LF-43926 Changed a default behaviour of the upper limit of 100 on the Estimation Parameter Table
LF-43947 Changed a default behaviour when selecting a bandwidth higher than 90
LF-43950 Fixed slow perfomance when importing a new column into a Drillhole dataset
LF-43965 Fixed an issue on publish objects that have already been published
LF-43977 Fixed an issue on stereonets where mean and line of best fit do not display
LF-44154 Resolved an upgrade step with merged tables
LF-44219 Resolved an issue where downhole variograms would cause Leapfrog to crash
LF-44256 Resolved a Traceback when copying a master layout with planned drillholes
LF-44265 Fixed a default behaviour where univariate stats table didn’t display weighted value as expected
LF-44303 Resolved behaviour whereby interval selections on combined drillholes would not save
LF-44304 Resolved behaviour whereby an additional column could disappear when editing intervals selections
LF-44305 Fixed adverse behaviour where Sub-block and Octree models defined blocks outside of lithology
LF-44334 Fixed a publishing error to Central
LF-44351 Resolved an issue whereby ioGAS was not able to be selected on checkout
LF-44361 Fixed an upgrade issue where the additional data on a vein reference surface gets removed



Seequent Connector

A simpler way to sign in and out of projects is here with Seequent Connector, you’ll only need to enter your credentials once (Single Sign On) and can authenticate and authorise even for access to multiple products in one easy step. The self-updating system tray application allows you to securely sign into Seequent Connector with your Seequent ID, where the ID based licensing service conveniently enables access to the application. Seequent Connector uses your systems default browser, with a tab that appears when you launch Leapfrog (replacing the previous sign-in window). Here you’ll be reminded when new versions are available, and you can check for updates manually.

For organisation network admins, an embedded sign-in browser is no longer shipped with Leapfrog, to ensure that the security of authentication and authorisation is easily controlled by the organisation’s security policies. Watch our introduction video on the Seequent Connector to see what’s new.

Seequent ID

This version of Leapfrog only supports access via Seequent ID which is your identity-based access for more security, flexibility and personalisation.

Single Installer

Distributing Leapfrog 2021.1 just got easier, instead of separate installers for Leapfrog Geo, Edge, Geothermal, Works and Viewer, there is now just one. We’ve made it especially beneficial for network deployment schedules, as the installer is the same across all products and more user-centric depending on your personal/organisation entitlements.

It’s a change that pre-empts more product structure refinements coming in future releases. As more multidisciplinary teams utilise Leapfrog; how the product is built, licenced, and released is evolving. We are making enhancements that create opportunity for dynamically deployed features, functions, and workflow improvements, independent of the regular software cadence.

Single Projects Tab

A Single Projects Tab has been deployed (rather than having to navigate between split tabs for Local and Central based projects). You can now see all projects on one convenient tab, reducing duplicate information, improving consistency in terminology, and better conveying what is required.

Leapfrog Viewer Integration

Within the new deployment structure, Leapfrog Viewer is included as part of the same installer. This means with Seequent ID – including those with no Leapfrog modelling commercial license – you can open and access Viewer scene files. (Rather than having to save scene files, then open Leapfrog Viewer to ensure accurate sharing).

Removal of Leapfrog Support for Upload to View

Over 2021, Seequent View is being actively retired, with its functionality replaced by the Central Visualisation. For this reason, the Show View upload option has been removed from the Settings > User Interface window. After the release of Leapfrog 2021.1, those with Show View upload enabled will no longer have that option when they open projects.

Removal of Help Settings/Offline Help Options

For this release, online help has been migrated from to To facilitate this change, the offline help option will no longer be available. As this support is only available in English, the Settings > Help option has been removed.

NEW Geophysical Data Imports


Now with the new Import 3D SEG-Y tool you can import 3D SEG-Y data into Leapfrog to guide interpretation and help you visualise this data in the context of your geological model.

This new tool provides an intelligent parsing of SEG-Y files and auto-identifies required coordinate and data fields for most common SEG-Y formats and provides the flexibility for you to choose field locations, coordinate mapping and geo-referencing where required. Now you can:

  • Control which in-lines, cross-lines and z-slices to import, in order to keep data storage and memory requirements within Leapfrog in check, with a simple reload workflow to change the choice of slices/lines.
  • Digitise interpretation linework directly onto slices, then visualise modelled fault planes and reflector surfaces against other slice data.


Now with the new Import 2D SEG-Y tool you can import 2D planar or crooked SEG-Y data into Leapfrog to guide interpretation and help you visualise this data in the context of your geological model. Bring in historical 2D data sets as well as your newly acquired data. Using the same import interface as the 3D SEG-Y data, the tool provides an intelligent parsing of data files and auto-identifies required data fields where possible, with user over-ride where needed.

What’s new in Leapfrog Geothermal 2021.1


The most major improvement to Leapfrog data management is here. You can now have multiple drill hole data sets in your project. You are no longer limited by needing to import all your drilling data into a single drill hole object.

So many use cases can be envisaged:

  • Visualise new drilling in relation to an existing model before appending and triggering changes.
  • Connect, display and model with data from different sources.

This functionality enables many new enhancements to workflows including:

  • Modelling tools that allow addition of ‘contact points’ from drilling tables (deposit, erosion and intrusion surfaces) can now draw contact points from other drill hole sets.
  • Vein segments need to be derived from the same drill hole set / interval table, however contact points from other drill hole sets can be added into vein surfaces using derived (linked) contact points from the points folder.
  • Numeric interpolants can make use of values from a second drill hole set, by incorporating these via the points object/derived interval mid-points.
  • Drillhole correlations can be made between data from different drill hole data sets.
  • Add data from different drill hole sets into section layouts.

In future we plan to extend the functionality of multiple drilling sets by allowing the creation of ‘merged drill holes sets’. This creates new ways to incorporate data from multiple drillhole data sets into models.


It is now possible to change the data source for existing drilling data, points tables and structural data tables, and remap these to a new source. Data can be remapped from any source to:

  • local CSV file,
  • to CSV files located in Central Datastore, or
  • to an ODBC data source.

Remapping files to Central Datastore paves the way for dynamic linking of projects to database outputs. Projects using a Central Datastore source can leverage the file versioning and ‘out-of-date’ notification functionality of Central, to ensure timely updating.


Delivering more flexibility in the project tree with the option to delete ‘hidden’ columns such as text.


Work effectively with calculations now added to downhole points tables. Calculations can be performed, or categories defined on data such as LAS measurements from geophysical tools, or CPT data from ground investigations.


When exporting data from interval tables and points tables, it is now possible to filter the export using any of the filters defined for that table or for the parent collar table. Meaning only final filtered values used in model construction can be exported for archiving or further analysis, without the necessity to reproduce complex filters in Excel.


A residual length and handling method can be specified for each separate code, allowing the effective use of variable composite lengths for different code sets.


Work more effectively with the new improvements made to importing and reloading drilling data from Central.

  • NEW – Import new tables from the Data Room to an existing Central sourced data set.
  • NEW – Append data to all tables in a Central sourced drillhole data set in a single pass. The existing behaviour of appending one table at time is still available.
  • Options for importing new data columns from Central have been simplified.
  • The Reload Data from Central menu options have been reorganised.
  • Select multiple polyline or structural data files to import from Central data room using standard Ctrl+click and Shift+click controls.


Simply right-click on your planned drillhole(s) and select Export as Polylines to simplify tasks (such as breakthrough checks) and collaborate more effectively.

  • Option to select just some or all planned holes when exporting a planned drillhole group.
  • Save each drillhole as a separate layer in the file and name to identify when exporting in DXF / DGN formats.
  • For DXF/DGN format, import each drillhole as a separate layer or flatten to load as a single polyline.


‘Import of geophysical points’ has been relocated from the geophysics folder to the points folder and renamed ‘Import time-dependent points’.


Long Sections

In a major upgrade, our ‘Fence section tool’ is renamed ‘Long Sections’ and brings improved workflow for creation and editing. Now you can:

  • Rapidly define a long section path based on a new or existing polyline, the start and finish points, and choose sub-sections.
  • Define multiple sections with options to overlap adjacent sub-sections size (or a negative overlap for gaps).
  • Define a master layout, that can be applied to all sub-sections, with options to define section layouts.

Section Layout Editor Changes

A more intuitive workflow evaluation options now selected in the layout editor, then automated onto the section. The New Section Layout window has been removed – now simply open for editing on creation.

  • The New Section Layout window and Scale and Extents can now be changed in the Page Section of the layout editor.

Evaluate objects within a range onto sections

An additional benefit where sections are a required output (e.g., for reports, communications, or client deliverables). Now you can:

  • Project polylines, points, and structural data onto cross-sections (if within a defined window from section plane).
  • Control the projection of distance for each object, and for structural data by either closest distance or along the plane.

Crooked 2D GridsThis release removes a major roadblock importing workarounds for crooked grids. Now you can:

  • Import wavy/crooked 2D grids in Oasis montaj .GRD format directly into Leapfrog, from either local files, or Central data room, a connectivity providing access to a seamless transfer of crooked section data between Oasis montaj and Leapfrog.
  • For Oasis montaj, write .GRD files directly into the data room. For Leapfrog you can import, reload and, be notified when files are out of date.

In future version we plan support for direct import of 3D grids (Voxels).

2.5D Elevation Grids

When 2.5D elevation grids are imported into the Geophysics folder, they come in as a planar 2D grid with elevation stored as a grid attribute. It is now possible to:

  • Import 2.5D elevation grids directly from locally-stored .grd format files.
  • Create topography directly from an imported elevation grid, or from one imported into the Meshes folder.

Adaptive Surfacing

  • Where high resolution is required around dense data (such as underground development and face sampling) but low resolution is required around the periphery.
  • You can now apply adaptive iso-surfacing to veins. Choose the adaptive surfacing option when creating new, or apply to existing by selecting the ‘on’ option.
  • Calculate the planar reference surface default from input data (rather than horizontal by default).

Multiple Intersections per Drillhole

A new way to create complex vein models faster and to better cater for drillholes at acute angles or through a non-planar vein. Create multiple vein intersections in a drillhole with midpoint and segments generated for each, and segments classified relative to the reference plane. For new veins select this option on creation, for existing, double-click on the vein segments to switch. Combine with custom reference planes and the NEW Bulk Editing of Segments.

Bulk Editing of Vein Segments

Now you can select multiple segments using the familiar paintbrush selection tools and assign to a category (rather than a segment-by-segment basis). Segment types (hanging wall, footwall and exclude, either auto-assigned or user-assigned) are listed in the tool along with a visibility toggle so you can quickly isolate and select segments, review edits, or set different colours to segment types.

Pinch-outs and interval midpoints

It’s now possible to bulk select and edit both pinch-outs and vein mid-points in a similar way to vein segments (with points either used or excluded).


Innovations in LIDAR and LASER technologies are steadily gaining traction across the geosciences. We now have:

  • A more enhanced 3D visualisation with full 24-bit colour – a key attribute for subtle detection.
  • Ability to import colour data (stored either as discrete R, G, and B values or as HEX RGB).
  • A calculation to convert discrete R, G, B values into a HEX RGB value for display.
  • Scan topography, underground or quarry walls, from fixed locations or mobile platforms (drones/vehicles).
  • Core imaging companies can generate scans of surfaces, or summarise the dominant colour over intervals.


Optimise efficiency with major reductions in processing times.

  • A NEW sub-block model format (based on octree branching) for geometry representation.
  • Up to 6 levels of sub-celling (to 1/64th of the parent cell) supported.
  • Cells (and sub-cells) are only triggered if a boundary passes through them.
  • Models can be rotated on 2 axes.
  • Up to 75% reduction of sub-cells when compared to our existing sub-block model.
  • Results in significantly smaller projects and file sizes when models are exported.
  • Up to 65% reduction in processing time in sub-block count.

Optimising the size and performance of octree models is ongoing.

Sub-block model import

More eagerly-awaited developments ahead…

  • Import an octree sub-block model in CSV format into Leapfrog to visualise, validate and report.
  • Add new triggering and evaluations while preserving the integrity of imported categories and values.
  • The minimum sub-block dimension must be a binary sub-division of the parent cell dimension (in X, Y and Z).
  • Arbitrary sub-block dimensions follow this rule, with arbitrary models already defined by this geometric constraint.
  • To import, select columns and define the grid: parent and sub-block sizes, to position and extent.
  • If the model is rotated there is currently two pre-set options for specific file exports from Leapfrog and Surpac.
  • Models with two axes of rotations are supported.

We envisage the new sub-block model to supersede the existing format (except for applications where variable height blocks are used).

  • Group mesh together for improved evaluation (outside of a geological model).
  • Evaluate directly onto block models, points, and flow models.
  • Allow (most) closed volume meshes in evaluations.
  • Arrange in order of sequential evaluation (highest priority at the top).
  • Freely edit the name, category colour legend, or set optional custom background (after default).
  • Define if evaluation applies category value inside or outside mesh volume.


Previously, the only way to check if an object had downstream dependencies was to ‘fake delete’ it – then hit cancel. A risky move! Now it’s possible to safely view the inputs/outputs of any object in the project tree, with arrows and hotkeys to quickly drill down to the details.

Updates to the Confirm Delete dialogue now has links to:

  • A full list of objects to be deleted and reprocessed.
  • The View Relationships window.


When publishing to Central, Leapfrog 2021.1 now supports a multi-threaded upload, bringing significant improvement in speed (particularly over high latency connection). This new capability will be automatically enabled once the June release of Central is completed.


Helping you to accomplish better outcomes with faster day to day tasks and reduced user interactions. Each release targets default options and behaviour changes based on your guidance. For Leapfrog 2021.1 we have:

  • Improved handling of long names in the project tree.
  • More contrast and higher opacity of the highlight shade selections.
  • Improved GM surface icons.
  • A NEW hotkey function of “alt + left mouse click” to collapse object sub-items.
  • Improved selection colour for toolbars and toggles in the shape list.
  • A NEW Single Pass Isosurfacing Option available for numerical models, geological models, interpolated meshes and veins.
  • Check project files on opening – a warning message displays should a file be missing with a repair attempt often made.
  • The project tree will be hidden by default for all views other than the Scene View tab – saving precious screen real estate.
  • Can determine geological model volume errors in the project tree with a warning overlay.
  • Removal of iPoint from Leapfrog as we work to design file-versioning and control in the Central Dataroom.
  • Bringing better compatibility, ioGas is now established as a direct integration within Leapfrog Geothermal.

Leapfrog Geothermal Point Release 2021.1

The following issues have been resolved:

click arrow to open
Issue Key Issue Addressed
LF-41229 Fixed an issue where category columns on drillholes would stop sections saving
LF-41811 Removed the hard limit on visualizing point size in the scene
LF-41736 Show more information in error dialog when opening a non-supported compressed project from Central
LF-41731 Fixed a Traceback error when a connected Central server goes down
LF-41691 Fixed an issue where opening a project from a new server gets the previous project stuck in editing mode
LF-41662 Fixed an issue where items would remain in the processing tab when they no longer exist in the project
LF-41566 Resolved how Leapfrog and Connector can allow for connector to update successfully
LF-41344 Fixed the Traceback when adding a ModFlow model to section Layout
LF-41331 Fixed an error when updating a project from a network location
LF-41328 Fixed the Traceback error when removing an evaluation (used in Calculations) from a Merged table
LF-41306 Fixed the issue where Octree Category Evaluation shown incorrectly as Empty
LF-41305 Changed the behaviour where editing GIS Views dialog should be non-modal
LF-41304 Changed the behaviour where Lithology names were shortened unnecessarily in new intrusion creation
LF-41302 Fixed an issue where the Seg-Y importer was not honouring non-integer z-slice steps
LF-41291 Fixed the Traceback when launching LF2021.1 for first time if previous LF install configured for non-SeequentID Central
LF-41259 Fixed the issue where a scene query filter would turn off for Merged tables when reprocessing
LF-41242 Fixed a Traceback with some section layouts
LF-41228 Fixed an upgrade issue when the old project had not upgraded into the new points object
LF-41206 Removed the additional options on objects that couldn’t visualise them
LF-41170 Corrected a sporadic issue whereby Seequent Connector would issue an invalid certificate
LF-41162 Fixed the Traceback error when creating lateral extent from distance function on a numeric model
LF-40344 Fixed a reloading points legend error
LF-41776 Fixed the issue in the Directional Well Planning when a hole went to vertical with no existing Azimuth