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Use the Central Branching and Project Stages to best manage your Central Projects.

Join our Central experts to see how the categorisation of a project within Central can enable a large team of users to track the iterations and progression of a project when there are multiple teams working on specific features, sections or geographies of a project.
By defining the project at the point of publishing from Leapfrog to Central, the categorisation gives great detail for a project manager to track the progression of each branch of the project.
Each can then be investigated and progressed individually, tracked with their own unique ID until the component objects of the project are ready to be incorporated into the master project. Central’s versioning, branching and stage categorisation allows multiple workflows to be established in your teams projects, join us in this webinar to see some great examples of this.



Mark Butcher, Senior Geophysicist , Seequent


26 mins

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