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Join us in an exciting discussion around ways of creating a collaborative decision-making process through a robust Peer Review workflow.

Collaboration is no longer optional but a key requirement of geological modelling and decision making. Now more than ever, as projects are becoming increasingly complex, teamwork and stakeholder engagement are required to ensure all information is included and all points of view are considered. Understanding and improving your workflows and addressing challenges using a robust peer-reviewing process can be the key you need to unlock value from your deposit and progress your projects to the next stage.

Join Seequent’s Antonio Garibaldi and Jacob de Lacey, who will discuss:

  • The peer review process
  • Collaborative decision making
  • Current challenges of peer reviewing
  • Multi-discipline data integration



Antonio Garibaldi
Central Technical Specialist – Seequenr

Jacob de Lacey
Director – Data Solutions – Seequent


44 min

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Video Transcript

<v Jacob>Hi, everyone.</v>

Welcome to the technical Tuesdays webinar series.

It is time for another Central focused webinar.

We hope everyone is well and that you will enjoy

this discussion focusing on ways of making good decisions

through a best practice peer reviewing process.

Please feel free to share this content with colleagues.

My name is Jacob de Lacey, I’m the Director for Seequent

Data Solutions in the Asia Pacific region.

And together with my colleague Antonio Garibaldi,

Central Technical Specialist based in Perth,

we will be presenting today’s webinar,

Peer Reviewing with Seequent Central.

We believe that collaboration is no longer an option.

Now, more than ever projects are sufficiently complex

to require a team effort.

So understanding and improving your routines and risks

using a peer reviewing process can be the key step you need

to move your projects to the next step.

I would like to outline a few details for this webinar.

The audience will be muted during the presentation

but you can use the questions panel to ask any questions

that come to mind.

We will answer these at the end of the session or by email

if we run out of time.

Our recording of this webinar will be sent to you

in a follow-up email.

Any other content mentioned during the session

can also be sent to you.

So please get in touch if you are interested

in a tailored demonstration of the webinar videos

or online resources.

Okay, let’s get started.

Here’s the agenda for today’s webinar

in which we will go through a quick introduction to Central

and to brief discussion of peer reviewing

and internal audits.

Then we will move straight into an active demonstration

of the system and proposed workflows discussing

how you can build an ideal peer review process

with the help of Central.

A little background on the company.

Seequent, now a Bentley company is a leader

in the development of the visual data science software

and collaborative technologies for the geoscience community.

It is our mission to enable our customers to make

better decisions about the earth, environment

and energy challenges.

Because it has that robust decision-making process

that provides security and longevity to an organization.

Our solutions encompass a range of software products

applicable for use across the mining, civil engineering,

environmental, and energy industries.

Most of the things we are going to discuss today

are cross sector.

However, we will use examples

more familiar to the mining sector.

Here you can see the summary with the core products

of Seequent ecosystem driving value across

the lifecycle of a mining operation.

Our experience working with many customers across

multiple sectors and regions leads us to believe

that the peer review process for geological modeling

appears to be haphazard in most organizations

with either very manual or limited auditability.

We believe this points to an interesting need

for a solution that is intuitive, effective and efficient

while incorporating automatic auditability

and data security.

This brings us to the technical discussion.

And so, I will hand over to Antonio.

<v Antonio>Thank you, Jacob.</v>

Hello, everyone.

Let me start running you through a short discussion.

The basic reason for an internal assessment of procedures

and outcomes is business risk reduction.

So the tool you use have fundamental importance

whereby you can address debates and decisions.

They must catalyze the process and will stop results

to enable people involved with to free up their time,

to do what they were trained for, interpreting and analyzing

the data to make the best possible decision.

On that context, we reach in mirrors things like data,

model management with previewing processes.

Furthermore, it’s being on while internal audits

and behavioral process have been required

for a professional auditable and assessable to address

its discussions and decisions in a fast, safe

and interactive way.

And this is our main topic of discussions

on today’s session.

So what exactly are we talking about?

What is the peer review?

Peer review is nothing more than assessment process,

an internal audit track in which one of your colleagues,

in general with the same employment level will review

audit and validate your process,

also your procedures and outcomes and generally

before your work progresses to the next step.

Okay, now that I know what is it,

how about is the reason why my company and I need to run

a process like that?

They trust me, I trust me.

For example,

identify and minimizing risk of costly mistakes

can ensure you have a project and your job much longer.

Also projects have red flags can help you to detect

potential errors.

Some are obvious, others not so evidence but most of them

are critical factors.

Find them, debate them, discuss why they happened.

Expertise sharing and quality improvement.

The prompt benefit of peer review is bringing to the table

ideas and insights that can save time and money.

Guidance driving the big picture understanding.

The peer review helps to address reproducibility

to a project which ensure procedures have been applied

correctly and changes along with the project life cycle

are predictable enough to avoid big problems.

The history always repeats,

so learn from good and bad decisions.

This also has to do with the concept of persistence

for projects that operate for years where evidence

and methodologies developed through the time

have to be available and assessable.

Also, an open communication is no longer an option

for technical motivations or government requirements.

Anyway, it helps you to understand the project

and its provisional weakness before they become permanent

as well as its strength and how to boost them up.

And how we can do that?

From here, we have a wide field of discussion

but the answer is simple.

Today we are going through the wealthy and fruitful,

good practice direction.

You starting with

a good organization of your projects and process

beginning with database basic rules

then go to the geology related issues.

Make use of checklists to cover all the possibilities

and don’t forget to resist everything.

Choose the suitable assessor that runs constructive

assessment and helps to anticipate for future risks

and potential alternative for your problems.

Determine procedures and make them official

in your company’s policy.

And run a frequent and continuous process

such as reconciliation and performance checks

in order to verify how efficient is your model

and workflows.

And what is the peer reviewer role?

Regarding the assessor role,

it starts through a detailed assessment.

There’s no space for last minute evaluation.

Review the technical details, the tools available,

and also teams ability to use these tools.

Special attention to scale issues that perhaps

were already discovered by other teams.

Knowhow and accountability transferring.

So you can make sure the experience of the professionals

involved is transmitted to the team.

Define the quality level for each step and the state

if the project has enough quality to be continued

to the next level.

The peer reviewer should not do the interpretation work,

otherwise we would need another peer reviewer

for his or her work.

So the peer reviewer should keep focus on the assessment,

requesting changes throughout the process as required.

Documentation of all steps is the most heavy point.

It includes for instance, comments through a 3D web tool

and documentation through a professional storage tool.

So the process landmarks.

The database has a fundamental importance here.

Basic inspections in the raw database as well as checks

such as EDA’s basic statistics and the composite things

are essential.

Equally important is how you manage and store them.

Database validation in 3D allows you to identify consistence

regarding interpretation versus two holes for example.

In the end of all this checks, make sure you retain

and organize all the data.

However, be a 100% sure you are using

only the verifiers once.

Also make sure documentation in the audit trail

in the chains which includes track the file history

and events for example.

Think about the geology model after a good check

on the previous topic.

Interpretation is the key deed here.

Do not fall in love for your model,

question it and encourage your team to disagree

with the current interpretation, provoke debates.

Things like location, boundary

and interpretation methodology are the starting points.

What are the control keys?

Check for inconsistency in the geology, geotechnical

and structural parameters.

Run contact analysis to determine hard or soft boundaries

for domains, use cross sections and run 3D checks

in all the heads and triangles through a database comparison

to help you to identify not so obvious inconsistencies.

Special attention when integrating different data,

RSC and diamonds railing, for instance,

as well as project with multiple databases.

Ensure you run reconciliation checks,

contrasting interpretation versus other data

and the raw information based in subjective methodology

such as maps, geochemistry, and geophysics.

Then check your block model estimation

and your resource classification.

Bring discussion about the biography to the table,

is it robust enough?

If there is a lack of basic skills in the team,

help by addressing internal and external courses.

Questioning your methods and consider all the ones

for your estimation, use 2D and 3D tools in conjunction.

Keep rethinking your classification to the deadline.

So finally, we can see this suggestion sequence solution

that could be part of the process as your tool to address

what we discussed so far.

Note that Central has an important paper here

and it is really well equipped to address most of the topics

as we are going to see next.

Now, a brief line about Central.

We developed Central to address consistent feedback

from clients about challenges and tangential work

related to the modeling process.

A model and data management and collaboration tool

to allow teams to visualize track and administer their data

through a centralized environment would be great fit, right?

So a single source of truth can minimize the time span on

basic data management and allow more time for cordial

science work.

This is what century is about.

The main idea is to bring project teams together,

holding all your critical data in one place.

So you develop more integrated and dynamic workflows

and build robust models.

In a sense, Central is a cloud based solution.

It can be accessed in the following ways.

The Central Portal where the management process

is a completion for both projects and users, right?

There is a notification panel here that you can set

to follow a project activity as well as to address

collaboration, technical discussions,

such as those ones during a peer review.

Project workspace including a data room to store

and share all the scientific data.

And of course, the web visualization 3D tool,

that is also a cloud capability which allows a Central user

to share objects and ideas directly in 3D in a web browser.

The Leapfrog connection that includes Geo, Edge, Works

or Geothermal.

It’s where the addition process take place and we can define

various workflow structures through the object integration.

You can download and upload projects from and to Central.

Oasis Montaj and target can be also connected direct

to the data room in Central whereby is your soft grids

and boxes for instance, can be published in a direct way.

And once stored in Central,

can be directly imported into Leapfrog.

We also have an integration with both in house

and partner solutions granting you the following modes

such as GeoStudio in August.

The idea is streamlining workflows,

remove manual data management tasks.

Also coming soon in August,

we will have the MX Deposit integration.

MX Deposit is a service solution for classy, simple

and drilling data management.

Once integrated, you would be able to create

a streamlined workflow from MX Deposits through Central

and Leapfrog Geo.

So you update your core logging data in just a few clicks

and your model will update in turn.

So we can organize the Central features in five main groups.

The 3D cloud capability,

a place where there is consistency and persistence.

All the information built at the time is available including

for projects that operate for eight years for example.

The version control for an optimal track.

A collaborative environment that can ensure a team

based for, for example.

And a centralized, secure and accessible

single source of truth.

Cool, putting it into practice to give you

a better perspective about how the system works.

Here we can see a simple example of workflows.

We can have both exploration teams working through

the field, selecting new target areas for example,

as well as an open pit project already in production.

As soon as we evolve projects, new revisions are created

and published generating these notes

that are our version control and all the should be driven.

We also have all the software suites integrated

such as a contribution from a geo-physical team

which uses Oasis Montaj to import the two degree

direct to Central and then Geos also import direct

from Central this files.

Also note the object integration happening across projects

from different styles and teams.

Here we can see, there is a notification received

by me about an action required.

So you can click on it and be directly on the 3D perspective

and the resource, information

and report delivering et cetera.

Heaps of possibility.

So let me jump into the demonstration we prepared for you

with some of the points discussed above.

Sweet, as discussed so far, Central is a system hosted

in a server in which we have application’s work around.

Here we can see some of them such as our best friend

Leapfrog, right?

That it’s the Diishan Gate here.

You can see here, the project tab where you can access

your Central information such as the history tab here

for each project.

Look the branches on the left of the screen

and the graph representing the evolving line.

And here on the right, the comments panel that by the way

you can hit the thumbnails and load the comment

and the 3D perspective also in Leapfrog.

If you want to publish,

after some edition you can upload this revision to Central.

Select the files you would like to make available

in the web links and follow the process such as branch names

and stuff like that.

We also have Oasis Montaj as an integrated software.

Here you can connect to a server and as you’re happy,

you can publish to the grids, boxes and all the data

direct to Central data room.

Let me show you now MX Deposit, our classic simple

and through whole data management.

That is also by the way, going to be integrated

with Central next month.

You can see all the options you have

and how friendly and intuitive is everything.

And here, Central Portal, the management

and collaboration web app.

In today’s webinar, I’m going to show you some pieces

of the system in particular, the web based workspace.

This will be only few but essential fragments, tools

or features of Central whereby you can play and apply

some of the concepts of all the peer review process, right?

By the way, I’m going to use a beta application

for some stuff, so I can run you through some features

that will be available in Central in August release.

That by the way, it’s a major milestone for us

as we make significant updates to a number of cloud service

that make up Central, all right?

Cool, let’s get started our tour by my mail.

As the peer reviewer for one of my colleague’s project,

I’ve received this notification in my mail

about someone tagging me to a comment in Central.

So I can read some information about this notification.

And if I click here, in this link, it drives me direct

to the 3D perspective and where I can start the process

from my perspective.

So this is again, Central Portal, right?

More specifically, the web based whereby you can run

your discussions and set comments and assessment request

for example.

In this example, I can…

Like a simulation let’s reply my colleague here

stating I will change this revision stage to for example,

peer review, right?

As the peer review process started.

So everyone can be aware we are currently running

the internal audit here.

So, let me write this a message.

Yeah, we will also ask the project owner

to lock the project branch avoiding other people involved

keep publishing revisions about this project

in the same revolving line for example.

Yeah, so,

in Leapfrog now, if you are the project owner,

you can lock this branch in a project tree.

Setting a message for example, to the team and defining

how many days this branch will be locked, right?

Which will trigger an expiry date.

Look there, close it, bad luck.

Cool, now back in Central Portal,

let’s see the project overview dashboard.

We can add some details about the projects

as well as see a summary about the project’s activities

and settings.

From here, note, you can follow an access the latest comment

and discussing thread in our peer review.

And you can also go to web based

by hitting the thumbnails here.

The data room, it’s placed it in the project perspective

and is accessed by clicking on this file tab

from which you can organize your data as well as track

the file history through out such as this one for example.

We have, here you can see a folder

for the peer review process.

There are some great use cases about the dot phoning

in the peer review process.

I would start with the possibility of addressing

the suitable permission also on the file perspective.

So people would only be able to access projects and files

they are allowed to and during the period of time

it requires their access, right?

Additionally, the version control, Central allowed you

your project revisions are also available for files,

any type or size by the way.

This way, in a diligent process,

you can set an audit trail for the files.

You can use it to build your projects

such as the programs and reports.

Furthermore, some of these files such as three holes,

points and structural data just some examples,

can be directed, integrated to your Leapfrog projects

and as soon as they have updates, you’d be notified

in Leapfrog about this new version.

As a good example for a peer review process,

you can identify a problem in the topography,

so you can notify the server, server 18 by web based

and make them know about it.

Then as a reviewer, you can stop the process till they solve

the problem and publish the new adjustment.

And you can restart the process with one red flag down.

Integrating the drill holes tables from the data room

directly just Central for to Leapfrog, sorry,

works in the same way.

As soon as you have a new version of this table

in the data room, you’ll be notified in Leapfrog

about the potential reload.

And with Central being integrated to MX Deposits in August,

the concept will be the same but instead of updating

your CSV tables and publish them to the data room,

you will identify consistency in the web based, in 3D,

such as this one and require the change to be done

in the source of the data,

that this case is in the MX Deposit.

Then through the API integration,

the information, the data will be updated

and the project owner can apply the reload in Leapfrog.

So I reply from this stakeholder involvement,

pointing another detail.

When it’s also registered in the thread

and as soon as the MX Deposit and Leapfrog apply the changes

made in MX Deposit, a new version,

a new revision is published to Central.

And for example here, it states changes required

by the peer review on the drill hold WP030T.

And so, we can also access

the information that was fixed in the following revision.

Back to the dashboard here, on the description for example,

I can insert some details about this project

by setting the location, you can organize your projects

in groups at the project tab in Leapfrog.

Look how the description appear here when you are

in Leapfrog and hover your mouse.

We also have the possibility of access the events tab here

on the project perspective.

Or the side events tab where you can for example,

search and audit change and records on the project history.

You can filter specific actions and time intervals

so you can explore and use it in your audit trail


The users tab, it’s where you manage people access

to projects.

For instance, in case we want to limit people access

to the additional approach while the peer review

is in play for example, you can provisionally change

their permission to viewers.

Then they would not be able to download, edit or publish

models until you grant them access again.

This instance here, is a beta functionality to be launched

next month.

The concepts of a scene has been around for some time

in our desktop solutions.

When available, it will act as a 3D bookmark allowing you

to easily navigate back to the same view of the data in 3D.

And at the project level, which means they never get lost

in the history of the project as can happen

with the commenting your thousands of revisions for example.

For instance, you can ping and share scenes on the project

that are more important than others for example,

such as those ones that you have done during a peer review

process that for example mean a radical concept changing.

And finally, the history tab where you can follow

the revisions history and details.

Either way, you do that through this color code graph

that illustrate branches and project styles for example.

You can also use this tab to access the latest comments

and the discussion track in our peer review process

and return to the 3D web visualization

through the thumbnails when needed.

Sweet, so let’s do another tool here in WebVis.

We have introduced here a huge amount of functionality

over the last few months in web visualization tool.

And functionality that support will allow you to run

an enhanced peer review process for example.

Things like easily navigate through the time

and step through older versions of your project

to understand changes.

Access the project history

through these drop down list here.

So in case you are assessing and changing between revisions,

looking at the scene or a comment can easily navigate

through the project history to understand

the 3D point of view.

Another interesting things you can zoom into a specific 3D

object to find exactly what you want when you have

large project with lots of data for example.

The WebVis project tree works in a really similar way

to Leapfrog tree.

Things like multi-select, drag and drop,

also some object properties and filter data.

Scales points and do whole bays on bells.

The possibility of measure in 3D to a better understanding

of the size and scale of a project.

You can control the vertical configuration

through this panel here where you can also find

screen grade, compass and access via the settings panel.

All these elements can help you try to steer the assessment.

Important to mention again that while it is possible

and it gives you some additional tools,

I don’t recommend running 100% of the peer review process

in Leapfrog alone, there are many useful functions

within Leapfrog which can be a great help however,

if you have access rate, do as much as you can

within Central as there are clear benefits to this approach

such as no ability to process or edit anything via WebVis

ensuring that any updates or changes needed will not be done

by the reviewer but by the project owner.

I would mention also the documentation and the audit trail.

Cool, sure thing there’s more about peer review to discuss

and show but this is basically

what we prepared for you today.

So, we will jump to the presentation again

to finalize our webinar.

So in summary, we can say Central allows you to set

and enhance peer review process through

the following points.

An audit trail of both technical and management changes.

Also an intuitive, seamless and efficient process

really ease to use.

A time-saver and leave report of the decisions

and documentation is the key so,

a cloud based solution can be really beneficial here,

which implies an effective system to communicate remotely.

And why not through a continuous improvement process,

that address consistency to your procedures.

If your modeling process is dynamic and integrated,

why does your decision track can’t be?

And set an active collaboration environment,

so you can share the decision making process

and also share the responsibility.

Again, this is a good lease, right?

I would like to invite all of you to dig a little bit deeper

into the way you have been dealing

with your peer review process.

Think about that and get back to us with your thoughts

so we can run dedicated sessions for you and for your team

of course, and discuss your workflows

in a more comprehensive manner.


As the last thing from my side, I also invite you to get

some complimentary webinar content to what we presented

today such as the examples below.

Drill hold data tips for Leapfrog.

Integrating geophysics into your 3D model.

And learn Q&amp;A analysis with Leapfrog Edge.

You can find these in all their Technical Tuesday series

content on our how to guides and on demand visual space

in our website.

I will now hand back to Jacob to close this webinar.

Thank you very much, bye.

<v Jacob>Thank you, Antonio, that was great.</v>

Just a reminder that you are all invited to our future

Technical Tuesday workshops which we run monthly.

We also conduct open trainings for our products and systems

regularly so please let us know if you are interested.

Our recording of this session will be sent out

to those who registered and will also be available on demand

through our website.

Please feel free to share this with anyone else

who might be interested.

These are our offices around the world.

For more information about Central or guidance

with what we’ve presented to you today,

please contact us by email at [email protected].

Thank you so much for making the time to listen to us today.

We hope you found the discussion about the peer review

process and possible applications of Central interesting.

We believe that the greater your understanding of the tools

you have available, the more value you can get from them,

knowing the best context for their use.

Please call on us to help you achieve your organizational

goals, see you around.