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In this video we will introduce the Refine Model tool to further define lithological volumes within your geological model.


4 min

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Video Transcript

[00:00:10.730]<v ->Welcome to this quick tutorial on using</v>

[00:00:13.150]the Refined Model tool to hone your lithological surfaces.

[00:00:17.500]The Refined Model tool allows you to subdivide any volume

[00:00:21.060]from an existing geological model,

[00:00:23.330]using any column of data in your project.

[00:00:26.580]In this example, I have built a geological model

[00:00:29.360]using a simplified lithology interpretation,

[00:00:32.640]and with no lights model my basement miscellaneous unit,

[00:00:36.170]according to the detail originally logged.

[00:00:46.760]In this case, my basement unit is actually defined

[00:00:49.960]by five separate stratigraphic units,

[00:00:52.730]so named D1 to D5.

[00:00:56.200]You can apply the same principle

[00:00:58.210]and methodology to define alteration sequences,

[00:01:01.520]distinct mineralization phases,

[00:01:03.510]or as a way of handling on Greek mythologies.

[00:01:07.340]To create a refined model,

[00:01:09.200]there must be a geological model existing

[00:01:12.110]in your Leapfrog Geo projects.

[00:01:14.350]Before starting, It’s a good idea to make a copy

[00:01:17.070]of your original geological model.

[00:01:19.540]Given that refined models were reorganize

[00:01:21.810]and set in situ under the original model object.

[00:01:27.890]Let’s begin, by right clicking the geological model folder,

[00:01:32.270]selecting new refined model,

[00:01:37.030]select the model and the lithology unit

[00:01:40.000]you would like to refine further,

[00:01:42.570]and appropriate base lithology column,

[00:01:44.810]in this case stretch represents my original

[00:01:47.420]unsimplified lithology,

[00:01:49.487]and finally give an appropriate resolution a name

[00:01:53.200]before clicking okay.

[00:01:57.700]Under the project tree,

[00:01:58.940]we can see a new refined model has been created,

[00:02:02.550]and the entire original parent geological model

[00:02:05.910]moved underneath it.

[00:02:09.690]The sub model representing the refined basement unit

[00:02:13.670]is created with its own sets of object fields,

[00:02:16.470]including boundary lithology, surface chronology,

[00:02:19.680]and output volumes.

[00:02:22.600]From the basement sub model,

[00:02:24.090]we can now go build our surfaces for our refined model,

[00:02:27.500]in the same way as our normal geological model.

[00:02:35.960]Once activated and processed,

[00:02:38.170]we can go look at the sub model output volume separately,

[00:02:44.370]or as a whole model.

[00:02:49.600]You can create additional sub models by right clicking

[00:02:52.710]on the top refined model object,

[00:02:54.980]selecting refined lithology and repeating previous steps

[00:02:59.013]for any additional units you wish to refine.

[00:03:05.030]Thank you for watching this quick video.

[00:03:07.750]To see how you can use refined model to report resources,

[00:03:11.160]where you have overlapping reporting volumes,

[00:03:14.130]then please check out our additional bite-size video

[00:03:16.890]available on the secret website.