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Seequent Central for HoloLensOur Early Access Programme is open

Seequent Central for HoloLens is a connected app for Microsoft HoloLens 2 which extends Seequent’s online ecosystem into a rich mixed reality environment for understanding & interpreting geoscience problems.

With your Microsoft HoloLens 2 on, you can open your Central projects, load the objects and interact with your models whilst they are projected in front of you. Zoom in, spin, and investigate particular sections of a model in order to deepen your understanding of the space.

Central for HoloLens has been created for anyone who needs a deeper understanding on their geoscience model. You can try the Early Access version today.

Other information and handy links:

Frequently asked questions

See answers to frequently asked questions about the Early Access Programme.


Installer guide

This guide describes the manual installation process of the application using developer mode.

Get started

Basic operations guide

Instructions on running the solution for the first time.


Download Central for Hololens

Make sure you read through the installer and basic operations guide before installing.


Tips & Tricks

See tips and tricks for using Seequent Central for Hololens

Tips & Tricks

Have ideas for Central for Hololens?

Before you submit your ideas, download the AHA ideas portal user guide.

Submit Ideas

Enquires and Support

Please contact your Seequent HoloLens EAP representative Narmadhaa Palanisamy or Tim Schurr.

Have feedback about the Early Access Programme?

Contact us