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La energía geotérmica se utiliza en todo el mundo como una fuente de energía asequible, limpia y sostenible. Actualmente, la forma más común de capturar energía geotérmica es mediante el uso de vapor y líquido provenientes de depósitos geotérmicos para alimentar generadores eléctricos.

Países que crean energía geotérmica (enero de 2018). Mapa creado por (


Acerca de la energía geotérmica

Geothermal energy harnesses the heat produced by the decay of radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium deep in the earth. This heat escapes where Earth’s crust is thin, or where there is significant collision (generally along tectonic plate boundaries like the Ring of Fire).  We can see proof of geothermal energy on the earth’s surface in spectacular natural displays like volcanoes, geysers, and hot springs.

The geothermal industry harnesses this naturally occurring heat as energy, and captures it using a variety of methods:


  • Aprovechamiento de los recursos geotérmicos. Actualmente, la forma más común de capturar energía geotérmica es mediante el uso de vapor y líquido provenientes de depósitos geotérmicos para alimentar generadores eléctricos.
  • Uso directo del calor geotérmico. El agua caliente que proviene de debajo de la superficie de la tierra puede utilizarse directamente para calefacción. Se puede utilizar para calentar edificios, descongelar carreteras y calentar <em>spas</em> y granjas piscícolas. En Islandia, casi todos los edificios se calientan con agua geotérmica.
  • Bombas de calor geotérmicas. Las bombas de calor geotérmicas pueden calentar y enfriar edificios haciendo circular aire o líquido bajo tierra. De esta manera, aprovechan las temperaturas constantes que ofrece el subsuelo durante todo el año.

FACT: The amount of heat within 10,000 metres of Earth’s surface contains 50,000 times more energy than all the oil and natural gas resources in the world.


Acerca de Leapfrog Energy

Seequent’s modelling software Leapfrog Energy was designed specifically for the geothermal industry, to help discover and manage geothermal energy resources. It was developed in collaboration with the New Zealand geothermal community, one of the earliest large scale users of geothermal energy.

The product is specifically used for geothermal resource evaluation, geothermal model review and maintenance, well planning for exploration, development and reservoir management, integration with TOUGH2 for reservoir simulation, 3D fault planning, and management of future development strategies.


  Planta geotérmica de Wairakei, Nueva Zelanda
Planta geotérmica de Wairakei, Nueva Zelanda


El impacto de la tecnología Seequent

Leapfrog Energy is supporting companies who operate ~40% of the currently installed geothermal capacity worldwide. Compared to other energy plants, geothermal creates far less carbon dioxide to create energy.


  • Las plantas geotérmicas crean ~200 gramos de dióxido de carbono kWh
  • Las plantas de carbón/petróleo crean ~950 gramos de dióxido de carbono kWh
  • Las plantas de gas crean ~400 gramos de dióxido de carbono kWh

In most places Leapfrog Energy is used, geothermal energy is replacing coal energy generation. So if we assume 100% of the geothermal energy is replacing coal… That means Leapfrog Energy is involved in reducing about 30 million tonnes of C02 emissions every year.


El futuro de la energía geotérmica

The renewable energy industries are growing after the signing of the Paris Agreement in December 2015, with geothermal specifically receiving support from the Global Geothermal Alliance. This group pledged to support a five-time increase in the industry’s global installed geothermal capacity by 2030. This industry is on the cusp of becoming a leading source of clean, renewable energy.

As a leading provider of geothermal software, Seequent are ready to help the industry realise its goals in the upcoming years. There’s an exciting future ahead for geothermal energy – one we are going to be a part of.

Más información sobre Leapfrog Energy

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