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EnergiaEstudos de casoLeapfrog Energy

Economize tempo, dinheiro e tome decisões relacionadas à subsuperfície

By maio 22, 2020maio 3rd, 2022No Comments

A Supreme Energy, fundada em 2008, é responsável por três campos operacionais de energia geotérmica na Indonésia.

Muara Laboh PowerStation in West Sumatera producing 85MW of energy, and exploration sites at Rajabasa and Rantau Dedap.

Supreme Energy has been using Seequent technology, Leapfrog Geothermal, since 2015 to manage and visualise data to make important decisions and communicate those decisions to its various stakeholders.

Recently we caught up with Supreme to talk to them about their challenges in Geothermal Energy production and how Seequent technology is enabling them to save time, money and make informed decisions about the subsurface.


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